Variable name inconsistancies / resources on building patches

Kevin Fry kevin at
Sat Apr 13 09:41:02 EST 2002

Looking at 2.4.18, I see that the the variable in immap_8260.h  for the
SCC's Protocol-Specific Mode Register is called the scc_pmsr. All the
#defines for it are called SCC_PMSR_blah.

As you can see someone called it the pmsr instead of the psmr which it
should be. All of the code for the FCC's uses the correct acronym

The code I look at and compile all uses the correct (incorrect) name for
the SCC PSMR, so should we bother to write a patch to fix this?  I'm
inclined to say yes, only because it's frustrating to me to program
drivers and such with incorrect names :)

Since this would be my first kernel patch, are there any resources on
how to build patches and against what, and who to submit em
too??? thanks!

Kevin Fry

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