PPCBoot and IMMR remapping for linux 2.4 on sbc8260

Craig MacDonald macdonldc at netscape.net
Fri Sep 21 07:29:19 EST 2001

The immr_base value in PPCBoot on my sbc8260 is
0x0f000000. I have been reading here that the
best value for linux is 0xf0000000.

I don't have easy access to flash my PPCBoot
to a new immr_base value, but I want to run
linux. I have been trying to change the immr_base
in assembly, but it does not seem to work.

Can I setup linux correctly using this method.

   .set    IMMR_H,      0x0f01
   .set    IMMR_L,      0x01a8

   lis     r4,IMMR_H
   ori     r4,r4,0x0000
   lwz     r4,IMMR_L(r4)       // get the current value of the IMMR

   lis     r5,0xfff8
   ori     r5,r5,0xffff        // Zero out the ISB field
   and.    r4,r4,r5

   lis     r5,0x0004           // Change the IMMR reg to be at 0xf0000000
   or.     r5,r4,r5

   lis     r4,IMMR_H
   ori     r4,r4,0x0000
   stw     r5,IMMR_L(r4)       // modify the immr register

Craig MacDonald

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