Problems with DMA transfers on Sandpoint

Dan Malek dan at
Sat Nov 10 13:23:28 EST 2001

Ole Andreas Torvmark wrote:

> I have tried numerous different cards like sound cards,network adapters and
> even frame grabbers and all the cards that use dma transfers dont work.

Hmmm...I haven't tried that many, but I use a variety of Ethernet cards
and SCSI without trouble.

> Since this is just one of the cards that fail in the sandpoint board i am
> wondering if there is something that I haven't done to initialize DMA
> transfers on the sandpoint or should they just work ?

They are PCI bus masters, and "should just work."  I am having some
challenges with the 7450 on Sandpoint, but they appears to be pipeline

> Motorola SPS Sandpoint X3 with Unity X4 PPMC MPC8240 @ 266 MHz
> IRQ and GNT/REQ mode = 1 (Sandpoint X2 Compability) (I have tested the other
> modes too)

Ummmm....I've never had much success with X2 compatibility and don't use it.
You may want to try an X3 configuration.


	-- Dan

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