Looking for a new LinuxPPC-Embedded-HOWTO maintainer

GStoney at cochlear.com.au GStoney at cochlear.com.au
Wed May 9 09:29:26 EST 2001

Hi gang,

I'm the current author of the Linux for PowerPC Embedded Systems HOWTO,
available at:

Due to a recent change of employment, I'm unfortunately no longer involved
in embedded Linux work, and I suspect it will be some time before Linux
systems meet the low power constraints of my new deeply-embedded
application domain. So, I'd like to call for volunteers to take over
maintenance of the HOWTO. The desirable candidate would meet the following

- Actively involved in Embedded PowerPC Linux development
- Member of the linuxppc-embedded mailing list
- Access to Linux SGML tools (the HOWTO master is Linuxdoc SGML)
- Familiarity with (or at least willingness to read about) the Linux
Documentation Project and the HOWTO-HOWTO.
- Ability to balance commercial interests against the wider goals of the
Open Source movement.
- Responsiveness to feedback and suggestions (you'll get quite a few,
almost all of them constructive).
- ftp access to penguinppc.org, where the HOWTO is hosted.
- Comfortable with the GNU Free Documentation License.
- Basic technical writing skills. On the other hand, maybe don't worry too
much about this.
- Above all, an interest in/passion for Embedded Linux.

If you don't meet all the criteria, but are still keen, drop me a line

I'm pretty happy with the current framework for the HOWTO, but updating it
is an ongoing task that I can no longer perform. Based on the E-mail you'll
get, this task is probably only an hour a week. If you want to be more
pro-active about keeping up with what's happening in the Embedded Linux
community, it could take longer; the ideal person would be in a position
where they're already doing this as part of their job anyway.

Personally, I found writing the HOWTO an extremely valuable way of
remembering what I needed to know in doing an embedded Linux development,
and keeping track of what else was going on in the field. In some ways it's
my personal bookmarks of everything-I-really-needed-to-know to build a
system. Here's your chance to make your mark and get known as an Embedded
Linux Guru!

Graham Stoney, Software Team Leader, Cochlear Ltd, Lane Cove, Sydney,
Phone: +61 2 9428 6215    Fax: +61 2 9428 6264

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