make dep bug and patches

Bruno R. Barreyra bruno.r.barreyra at
Fri Mar 9 06:08:25 EST 2001

On today's linuxppc_2_4 snapshot, doing a make dep having selected
a 8xx CPU will bomb because of an include. On arch/ppc/Makefile,
line 34, the -I../8xx_io argument should be removed. It compiles
fine without it.

Also, I was wondering if two patches would be accepted to go in
the main trunk:

1 - reactivate FADS support : I've re-hacked FADS support on my
    local tree and it works fine. Actually, I was having some problems
    with the kernel available on Area51 from Montavista, and doing
    this kernel upgrade fixed it.

2 - having an option to automatically set up the headers for PPCBoot.
    I'm sure a lot of folks would appreciate this, and it wouldn't be
    hard to automatically generate a PPCBoot image.

If I know the patches will be included, I'll most gladly write them and
send them.

[]'s Bruno Renato Barreyra
bruno.r.barreyra at
barreyra at

** Sent via the linuxppc-embedded mail list. See

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