New Linux PowerPC development

Dan Malek dan at
Wed Jul 25 03:26:33 EST 2001

Cindy Peters wrote:

> The MPC823, however, does not have an IDE or PCI interface for a hard disk.

Sure it does.  Just use the PCMCIA.

> We feel we would have to design an interface into an FPGA.

This is also a solution many people use.  Lots less expensive and
less complex than a PCI adapter.

> .... It doesn't
> support 100BaseT either.

So, the 832 loses here :-).

> ..... We are also looking at using either the
> MPC8260/MPC8265 or the IBM 405GP.

Wow.  The 823, 405, 8260 span a huge range in performance and features
(and price).  You need to consider some other requirements to make this
decision.  If the 823 would be enough performance, you can step up to
the 860(D/T/P) and get more performance.  Depending upon the application,
the 860P can be higher performance than the 405 because it will offload
the integrated peripherals to the CPM.  The highest performance of the
bunch is the 82xx, which also includes hardware floating point, if that
is important.

> .... I would like some feedback from people that have experience in using
> these processors with Linux and what recommendations they have.

I've used them all, and they all have advantages and disadvantages.
You didn't list many requirements that would clearly show one is better
suited for your application.  Based on what you said, and past experience
with the 823, I would choose something from the 855/860 family.

	-- Dan

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