Ethernet on 8260
Brad Bonkoski
bradb59 at
Tue Jul 17 10:19:36 EST 2001
I am working with a custom 8260 board which has 3 Ethernet devices that
are on using FCC to communicate. When I try to activate all three I get
some funny routing. Essentailly, I have them all set up on the same
network: 192.168.0.X. When I try to ping one Ethernet device, the
system tries to respond on another. What could lead to this problem?
The CPM appears to be placing the sk_buffs in the right queues in DPRAM,
but the sk_buffs seem to be getting mangled, many times the kernel tries
to shove an additional ARP header on them. Any ideas as to what could
be causing this? Is this a known problem and fixed in later versions of
fcc_enet.c? Do I need to post additional diagonostic information?
Thanks for any help.
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