Patch for Soft-Float Problems w/ Glibc & Gcc?

Ralph Blach rcblach at
Wed Feb 14 04:48:06 EST 2001


As I understand it, Softfloat does NOT produce software emulation.
One must have a library to which to link inorder to floating point in
this situation.

The MontaVista toolset seems to have the floating point emulation in it.


Grant Erickson wrote:
> For some time I've noted but have never bothered chasing down the *printf
> problems associated with using -msoft-float/-D_SOFT_FLOAT on Linux/PPC.
> Needing to remedy the issue, I started chasing it down using the code
> samples below. When compiled using just '$(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc -o pi-test
> *.c' everything works fine:
>         user at host% ./pi-test
>         The value of Pi is approximately: 3.142857
> If I turn-around and compile it with '$(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc -o pi-test
> -msoft-float *.c' or '$(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc -o pi-test -msoft-float
> -D_SOFT_FLOAT *.c' I get:
>         user at host% ./pi-test
>         The value of Pi is approximately: 0.000000
> After disassembling the code, from what I can see both bits of code are
> generating the right output for the IEEE single-precision result. Both
> bits of code appear to be following the correct register callee/caller
> convetions for both 'pi' and 'float_print'. So, I have to assume that the
> problem lies somewhere within either the '__extendsfdf2' or 'printf'
> subroutine calls within 'float_print':
>         Disassembly of section .text:
>         00000000 <float_print>:
>            0:   94 21 ff e0     stwu    r1,-32(r1)
>            4:   7c 08 02 a6     mflr    r0
>            8:   93 e1 00 1c     stw     r31,28(r1)
>            c:   90 01 00 24     stw     r0,36(r1)
>           10:   7c 3f 0b 78     mr      r31,r1
>           14:   90 7f 00 08     stw     r3,8(r31)
>           18:   90 9f 00 0c     stw     r4,12(r31)
>           1c:   80 7f 00 0c     lwz     r3,12(r31)
>           20:   48 00 00 01     bl      __extendsfdf2
>           24:   7c 69 1b 78     mr      r9,r3
>           28:   7c 8a 23 78     mr      r10,r4
>           2c:   3d 60 00 00     lis     r11,.rodata at h
>           30:   38 6b 00 00     addi    r3,r11,.rodata at l
>           34:   80 9f 00 08     lwz     r4,8(r31)
>           38:   7d 25 4b 78     mr      r5,r9
>           3c:   7d 46 53 78     mr      r6,r10
>           40:   48 00 00 01     bl      printf
>           44:   7c 60 1b 78     mr      r0,r3
>           48:   7c 03 03 78     mr      r3,r0
>           4c:   48 00 00 04     b       50 <float_print+0x50>
>           50:   81 61 00 00     lwz     r11,0(r1)
>           54:   80 0b 00 04     lwz     r0,4(r11)
>           58:   7c 08 03 a6     mtlr    r0
>           5c:   83 eb ff fc     lwz     r31,-4(r11)
>           60:   7d 61 5b 78     mr      r1,r11
>           64:   4e 80 00 20     blr
> I've heard and have read in back messages that this problem lies in either
> the varags implementation or in the stdio-common (i.e. printf) bits of
> glibc. Does anyone have a patch which addresses this specific problem?
> This problem happens on both a Solaris/SPARC to Linux/PPC cross compiler
> as well as on a native Linux/PPC compiler. The former is
> gcc-2.95.3-20010112 (prerelease) with glibc-2.1.3 and the latter is
> gcc-2.95.2-19991024 (release/franzo) with 'glibc-2.1.3 from
> 'glibc-2.1.3-4a'.
> For the cross-compiler, the compiler and libraries were configured w/
>         GCC:
>         ./configure --host=sparc-sun-solaris2.7 --target=powerpc-linux
>         --prefix=$TOOLROOT/host/sparc-sun-solaris
>         --with-headers=$TOOLROOT/target/powerpc-linux-gnu/include
>         --with-libs=$TOOLROOT/target/powerpc-linux-gnu/lib
>         --enable-shared --enable-languages=c,c++
>         --with-cpu=403 --without-fp
>         GLIBC:
>         ./configure --host=powerpc-linux --with-headers=/usr/src/linux/include
>         --enable-shared --enable-add-ons=crypt,linuxthreads
>         --prefix=$TOOLROOT/target/powerpc-linux-gnu --without-fp
> The test code:
> main.c:
> int main (void)
> {
>         float value;
>         int status;
>         value = pi();
>         status = float_print("The value of Pi is approximately", value);
>         return (status);
> }
> pi.c:
> float
> pi(void)
> {
>         return (22.0/7.0);
> }
> float_print.c:
> int float_print(const char *string, float value)
> {
>         return (printf("%s: %f\n", string, value));
> }
> --
>  Grant Erickson                       University of Minnesota Alumni
>   o mail:erick205 at                                 1996 BSEE
>   o                          1998 MSEE
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