BDI2000 vs RiskWatch
Scott Anderson
scott_anderson at
Wed Aug 22 03:37:12 EST 2001
Felix Radensky wrote:
> Can someone please explain what BDI2000 can do that RiskWatch cannot.
To me, the main thing is that it integrates well with a Linux
development box. I use my normal debug tools (ddd/gdb) and the BDI2000
acts like a gdbserver for the kernel. For things such as FLASHing code
into the target, you just telnet into the BDI2000.
Bottom line: If you are developing on Windows, the RiscWatch is probably
what you want. If you are developing on Linux (which I hope is the
case), you want a BDI2000. Otherwise, you're going to need a Windows
box for RiscWatch to run on and then you'll have to set up Samba or some
other mechanism for the Windows box/RiscWatch to see your sources, etc.
Scott Anderson
scott_anderson at MontaVista Software Inc.
(408)328-9214 1237 East Arques Ave. Sunnyvale, CA 94085
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