init fails w/ new build of gcc & glibc
Dr. Craig Hollabaugh
craig at
Sat Aug 18 08:16:45 EST 2001
At 04:48 PM 8/17/2001 -0500, Mark Hatle wrote:
>If the answer is that it is standard floating point then you can use the
>"7xx" or "82xx" tools for your project. If you want to recompile then
>you need to recompile the whole system from the compilers up to glibc
>and all of the apps. There are two ABIs, one for soft-floating point
>and one for hard floating point. They are not run-time compatable.
You mentioned these two exclusive ABIs a couple days ago. If you want to compile the toolchain and the kernel correctly to insure run-time compatibility (in my case for 8xx), would you do this
for kernel fp emulation
compile kernel with CONFIG_MATH_EMULATION=y, (do you use -msoft-float while compiling kernel?)
then compile the toolchain without -msoft-float
for soft-floating point - no kernel emulation
compile kernel CONFIG_MATH_EMULATION is not set (do you use -msoft-float while compiling kernel?)
then compile the toolchain with -msoft-float
Very very curious
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