how to get the physival address

jerry jerry.nguyen at
Thu Apr 5 14:13:29 EST 2001

Hi All,

I have a silly question but seem I can not figure out the answer myself. I
try write a driver, in which I define a array like"

file : dummy.o

unsigned  char buffer_array[4096];


bdp->cbd_bufaddr  =  __pa(buffer_array);

my problem is: I try to get the physical address of buffer array, but the
_pa did not return correct address.

I try to print out:  buffer_array = 0xC4056220
                        _pa(buffer_array) = 0x4056220

But my RAM only 16M = 0x100000

My question is: how to get the physical address of buffer_array.

Thank for any answer

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