More on my SPI driver questions

clark at clark at
Thu Nov 9 06:34:16 EST 2000

	Hello Again,

	I should have been a little more informative in my previous post. I am
using a custom board with a MPC850ZTxxBT. Right now I am running ppcboot
and kernel 2.2.13 . My board does use SCC2 as its Ethernet connection. So I
do assume I need the IIC/SPI microcode patch.

	So to restate my original questions. I was wondering if anbody has a
working SPI driver yet that gets along with SCC2 Ethernet? Is there any
known side effects IIC/SPI microcode patch?

Many thanks in advanced

	Conn Clark

Many thanks in advanced

	Conn Clark
   If you live at home long enough, your parrents will move out.

Conn Clark
Engineering Stooge				clark at
Electronic Systems Technology Inc.

Stock Ticker Symbol				ELST

"clark at" Copyright 2000 all rights reserved. May not be sold or
used for advertisements.

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