Reduce glibc libraries...

dony dony.he at
Wed Mar 1 14:31:49 EST 2000

      I have a problem to ask when applying embed-linux in our product.
      Since our application may need many share libraries when running,
and most of these libraries seem to be too large: is about
1.5M, and the is about 180K, and there are still other
       If I put the linux kernel and root-fs in my flash(about 2M), I am
fear that there may be no enough space to hold all of them. So do I have
to modify and remove any unuseful sources from the glibc libraries to
reduce the size of libraries I need? But it is too difficult. So what's
your suggestions or alternative  methods ?  Does it make any difference
if I compile my application with static-link options "-s"? Are there
someone to do these jobs now?
       Thank  you very much:-)

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