MPC860 Embedded Planet IDMA Support

Greg Johnson gjohnson at
Thu Feb 24 11:22:20 EST 2000

Hello Linux PPC Peoples,

Kernel 2.2.13 that we are using on the MPC860 does not have support
for IDMA which we need. Before I go ahead and code in support for IDMA,
does anyone out there in Linux/PPC land know of any patch that might
provide this support?



| Do you want to know more?                          |
|               --== Greg Johnson ==--               |
| HW/SW Engineer      gjohnson at |
| Canon   Information  Systems   Research  Australia |
| 1 Thomas Holt Dr, North Ryde, NSW, 2113, Australia |
| "I FLEXed my BISON and it went YACC!" - me.        |

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