
Rainer Kloud rainer.kloud at
Tue Dec 19 02:29:22 EST 2000


I have a problem with the console output of my init process.

I'm useing a statically linked sash which tries to determine if
the used file descriptor is associated to a terminal device.
Therefore it uses isatty(STDIN). This library function invokes
the kernel routine tty_ioctl with the command TCGETS.
Now my problem is that this command is not defined in tty_ioctl
and so this routine returns an error.

I have seen, that this command is defined in n_tty_ioctl.
Whow is the relationship between this two ioctl commands?
How can I solve this problem?

Also I can not print any message from the init process (neither
the sash version nor the sash prompt). Any ideas?

Thank you in advance!


PS: Im useing the kernel version 2.4.0-test10 with gcc 2.95.2 and
glibc 2.1.3 on a motorola scout board (MPC750/MPC8260).

Rainer Kloud               mailto:rainer.kloud at
Siemens AG, PSE ECT OTN 2, Rampengasse 3-5, A-1190 Vienna
Phone: +43-(0)51707-43873         Fax: +43-(0)51707-53581

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