Software Emulation Exception...

Dan Malek dan at
Tue Apr 11 22:08:07 EST 2000

Marcus Sundberg wrote:

> .... It has a 100% chance of crashing without the patch, and a 0%
> chance of crashing with it.

I agree the patch is necessary to fix a problem managing dirty

> All you have to do to experience the problem is allocate memory
> until the RAM gets low

....but this wasn't the test....

> .... If you are running a dynamicly linked glibc2
> app what is most likely to happen is that the (dirty) jump table
> is thrown out by the broken MM code.

If, if, if......Is this really what is happening?  I am concerned about
proving a real problem and fixing it.  If you aren't, that's OK.  I
have other things to do.

	-- Dan

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