Linux on MVME2604 board

Gabriel Paubert paubert at
Wed Nov 10 06:32:25 EST 1999

On Tue, 9 Nov 1999, Don Holmgren wrote:

> Yes, on 260x's and 230x's, using Gabriel Paubert's patches.  Do a search 
> on the linuxppc-dev mailing list - you'll find lots of discussion about 
> how to get a system running.

Indeed, and when I finally sort the last problems with include files,
hopefully next week at the latest, I might even make an offficial
announcement for the VME driver susbsystem I've written:

- possibility to write fairly easily board-specific driver modules which
use the services provided by universe.c,

- some examples drivers will be provided, 

- I have 2 machines in production since early October, using DMA and
getting about 100 interrupts/second despite the Universe I bugs which
limit uptime to a below 1 week (interrupt handling locks-up).


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