[PATCH 1/3] tools/perf/arch/powerpc: Add load/store in powerpc annotate instructions for data type profling

Athira Rajeev atrajeev at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Sat Mar 9 16:51:34 AEDT 2024

Add powerpc instruction nmemonic table to associate load/store
instructions with move_ops. mov_ops is used to identify mem_type
to associate instruction with data type and offset. Also initialize
and allocate arch specific fields for nr_instructions, instructions and

Signed-off-by: Athira Rajeev <atrajeev at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
 .../perf/arch/powerpc/annotate/instructions.c | 66 +++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 66 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tools/perf/arch/powerpc/annotate/instructions.c b/tools/perf/arch/powerpc/annotate/instructions.c
index a3f423c27cae..07af4442be38 100644
--- a/tools/perf/arch/powerpc/annotate/instructions.c
+++ b/tools/perf/arch/powerpc/annotate/instructions.c
@@ -1,6 +1,65 @@
 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
 #include <linux/compiler.h>
+ * powerpc instruction nmemonic table to associate load/store instructions with
+ * move_ops. mov_ops is used to identify mem_type to associate instruction with
+ * data type and offset.
+ */
+static struct ins powerpc__instructions[] = {
+	{ .name = "lbz",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "lbzx",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "lbzu",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "lbzux",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "lhz",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "lhzx",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "lhzu",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "lhzux",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "lha",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "lhax",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "lhau",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "lhaux",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "lwz",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "lwzx",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "lwzu",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "lwzux",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "lwa",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "lwax",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "lwaux",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "ld",		.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "ldx",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "ldu",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "ldux",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "stb",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "stbx",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "stbu",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "stbux",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "sth",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "sthx",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "sthu",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "sthux",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "stw",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "stwx",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "stwu",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "stwux",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "std",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "stdx",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "stdu",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "stdux",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "lhbrx",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "sthbrx",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "lwbrx",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "stwbrx",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "ldbrx",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "stdbrx",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "lmw",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "stmw",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "lswi",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "lswx",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "stswi",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
+	{ .name = "stswx",	.ops = &mov_ops,  },
 static struct ins_ops *powerpc__associate_instruction_ops(struct arch *arch, const char *name)
 	int i;
@@ -52,6 +111,13 @@ static struct ins_ops *powerpc__associate_instruction_ops(struct arch *arch, con
 static int powerpc__annotate_init(struct arch *arch, char *cpuid __maybe_unused)
 	if (!arch->initialized) {
+		arch->nr_instructions = ARRAY_SIZE(powerpc__instructions);
+		arch->instructions = calloc(arch->nr_instructions, sizeof(struct ins));
+		if (arch->instructions == NULL)
+			return -ENOMEM;
+		memcpy(arch->instructions, (struct ins *)powerpc__instructions, sizeof(struct ins) * arch->nr_instructions);
+		arch->nr_instructions_allocated = arch->nr_instructions;
 		arch->initialized = true;
 		arch->associate_instruction_ops = powerpc__associate_instruction_ops;
 		arch->objdump.comment_char      = '#';

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