[PATCH 2/2] tools/perf/tests: Fix build id test check for PE file

Athira Rajeev atrajeev at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Mon Jan 16 16:01:31 AEDT 2023

Perf test "build id cache operations" fails for PE
executable.  Logs below from powerpc system.
Same is observed on x86 as well.

Adding 5a0fd882b53084224ba47b624c55a469 ./tests/shell/../pe-file.exe: Ok
build id: 5a0fd882b53084224ba47b624c55a469
link: /tmp/perf.debug.w0V/.build-id/5a/0fd882b53084224ba47b624c55a469
file: /tmp/perf.debug.w0V/.build-id/5a/../../root/<user>/linux/tools/perf/tests/pe-file.exe/5a0fd882b53084224ba47b624c55a469/elf
failed: file /tmp/perf.debug.w0V/.build-id/5a/../../root/<user>/linux/tools/perf/tests/pe-file.exe/5a0fd882b53084224ba47b624c55a469/elf does not exist
test child finished with -1
---- end ----
build id cache operations: FAILED!

The test tries to do:

mkdir /tmp/perf.debug.TeY1
perf --buildid-dir /tmp/perf.debug.TeY1 buildid-cache -v -a ./tests/shell/../pe-file.exe

The option "--buildid-dir" sets the build id cache
directory as /tmp/perf.debug.TeY1. The option given
to buildid-cahe, ie "-a ./tests/shell/../pe-file.exe",
is to add the pe-file.exe to the cache. The testcase,
sets buildid-dir and adds the file: pe-file.exe to build
id cache. To check if the command is run successfully,
"check" function looks for presence of the file in buildid
cache directory. But the check here expects the added
file to be executable. Snippet below:

if [ ! -x $file ]; then
	echo "failed: file ${file} does not exist"
	exit 1

Buildid test is done for sha1 binary, md5 binary and also
for PE file. The firt two binaries are created at runtime
by compiling with "--build-id" option and hence the check
for sha1/md5 test should use [ ! -x ]. But in case of PE
file, the permission for this input file is rw-r--r--
Hence the file added to build id cache has same permissoin

Original file:
ls tests/pe-file.exe | xargs stat --printf "%n %A \n"
tests/pe-file.exe -rw-r--r--

buildid cache file:

ls /tmp/perf.debug.w0V/.build-id/5a/../../root/<user>/linux/tools/perf/tests/pe-file.exe/5a0fd882b53084224ba47b624c55a469/elf | xargs stat --printf "%n %A \n"
/tmp/perf.debug.w0V/.build-id/5a/../../root/<user>/linux/tools/perf/tests/pe-file.exe/5a0fd882b53084224ba47b624c55a469/elf -rw-r--r--

Fix the test to match with the permission of original file in
case of FE file. ie if the "tests/pe-file.exe" file is not
having exec permission, just check for existence of the buildid
file using [ ! -e <file> ]

Signed-off-by: Athira Rajeev <atrajeev at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
 tools/perf/tests/shell/buildid.sh | 15 ++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/tools/perf/tests/shell/buildid.sh b/tools/perf/tests/shell/buildid.sh
index f05670d1e39e..22e5b2225abe 100755
--- a/tools/perf/tests/shell/buildid.sh
+++ b/tools/perf/tests/shell/buildid.sh
@@ -77,7 +77,20 @@ check()
 	file=${build_id_dir}/.build-id/${id:0:2}/`readlink ${link}`/elf
 	echo "file: ${file}"
-	if [ ! -x $file ]; then
+	# Check for file permission of orginal file
+	# in case of pe-file.exe file
+	echo $1 | grep ".exe"
+	if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+		if [ -x $1  -a ! -x $file ]; then
+			echo "failed: file ${file} executable does not exist"
+			exit 1
+		fi
+		if [ ! -x $file -a ! -e $file ]; then
+			echo "failed: file ${file} does not exist"
+			exit 1
+		fi
+	elif [ ! -x $file ]; then
 		echo "failed: file ${file} does not exist"
 		exit 1

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