Problem booting a PowerBook G4 Aluminum after commit cd08f109 with CONFIG_VMAP_STACK=y

Christophe Leroy christophe.leroy at
Thu Feb 13 22:23:56 AEDT 2020

On 02/12/2020 11:02 PM, Larry Finger wrote:
> On 2/11/20 1:23 PM, Christophe Leroy wrote:
>> Can you send me a picture of that BUG Unable to handle kernel data 
>> access with all the registers values etc..., together with the 
>> matching vmlinux ?
> The vmlinux file was too big for your mailbox. You can download it from 


Is that the vmlinux that corresponds to:

	BUG Unable to handle kernel data access at 0x007a84fc.
	The faulting instruction address was 0x00013674

Nevertheless, do you have a picture of the said BUG/Oops to see all 
registers ?

Because here, the address 0x13674 is not a data access:

c00135ec <ppc6xx_idle>:
c00135ec:	3c 60 00 00 	lis     r3,0
c00135f0:	3c 60 00 80 	lis     r3,128
c00135f4:	3c 80 c0 83 	lis     r4,-16253
c00135f8:	80 84 f2 80 	lwz     r4,-3456(r4)
c00135fc:	80 84 00 0c 	lwz     r4,12(r4)
c0013600:	70 80 00 08 	andi.   r0,r4,8
c0013604:	41 82 00 18 	beq     c001361c <ppc6xx_idle+0x30>
c0013608:	3c 80 c0 84 	lis     r4,-16252
c001360c:	80 84 30 34 	lwz     r4,12340(r4)
c0013610:	2c 04 00 00 	cmpwi   r4,0
c0013614:	41 82 00 08 	beq     c001361c <ppc6xx_idle+0x30>
c0013618:	3c 60 00 40 	lis     r3,64
c001361c:	2c 03 00 00 	cmpwi   r3,0
c0013620:	4d 82 00 20 	beqlr
c0013624:	74 60 00 40 	andis.  r0,r3,64
c0013628:	41 82 00 30 	beq     c0013658 <ppc6xx_idle+0x6c>
c001362c:	7c 96 fa a6 	mfspr   r4,1014
c0013630:	54 84 00 3a 	rlwinm  r4,r4,0,0,29
c0013634:	7c 00 04 ac 	hwsync
c0013638:	7c 96 fb a6 	mtspr   1014,r4
c001363c:	7c 00 04 ac 	hwsync
c0013640:	4c 00 01 2c 	isync
c0013644:	3c 80 c0 00 	lis     r4,-16384
c0013648:	7c 00 20 ac 	dcbf    0,r4
c001364c:	7c 00 20 ac 	dcbf    0,r4
c0013650:	7c 00 20 ac 	dcbf    0,r4
c0013654:	7c 00 20 ac 	dcbf    0,r4
c0013658:	3c 80 c0 7c 	lis     r4,-16260
c001365c:	80 84 92 64 	lwz     r4,-28060(r4)
c0013660:	2c 04 00 00 	cmpwi   r4,0
c0013664:	41 82 00 10 	beq     c0013674 <ppc6xx_idle+0x88>
c0013668:	7c 91 fa a6 	mfspr   r4,1009
c001366c:	64 84 00 01 	oris    r4,r4,1
c0013670:	7c 91 fb a6 	mtspr   1009,r4
 >> c0013674:	7c 90 fa a6 	mfspr   r4,1008
c0013678:	3c a0 00 60 	lis     r5,96
c001367c:	64 a5 00 80 	oris    r5,r5,128
c0013680:	7c 84 28 78 	andc    r4,r4,r5
c0013684:	7c 84 1b 78 	or      r4,r4,r3
c0013688:	64 84 00 10 	oris    r4,r4,16
c001368c:	7c 90 fb a6 	mtspr   1008,r4
c0013690:	7e 00 06 6c 	dssall
c0013694:	7c 00 04 ac 	hwsync
c0013698:	81 02 00 04 	lwz     r8,4(r2)
c001369c:	61 08 00 01 	ori     r8,r8,1
c00136a0:	91 02 00 04 	stw     r8,4(r2)
c00136a4:	7c e0 00 a6 	mfmsr   r7
c00136a8:	60 e7 80 00 	ori     r7,r7,32768
c00136ac:	64 e7 00 04 	oris    r7,r7,4
c00136b0:	7c 00 04 ac 	hwsync
c00136b4:	7c e0 01 24 	mtmsr   r7
c00136b8:	4c 00 01 2c 	isync
c00136bc:	4b ff ff f4 	b       c00136b0 <ppc6xx_idle+0xc4>


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