[PATCH v3 1/4] powerpc/64: Make exception table clearer in __copy_tofrom_user_base

Paul Mackerras paulus at ozlabs.org
Fri Aug 3 20:13:03 AEST 2018

This aims to make the generation of exception table entries for the
loads and stores in __copy_tofrom_user_base clearer and easier to
verify.  Instead of having a series of local labels on the loads and
stores, with a series of corresponding labels later for the exception
handlers, we now use macros to generate exception table entries at the
point of each load and store that could potentially trap.  We do this
with the macros lex (load exception) and stex (store exception).
These macros are used right before the load or store to which they

Some complexity is introduced by the fact that we have some more work
to do after hitting an exception, because we need to calculate and
return the number of bytes not copied.  The code uses r3 as the
current pointer into the destination buffer, that is, the address of
the first byte of the destination that has not been modified.
However, at various points in the copy loops, r3 can be 4, 8, 16 or 24
bytes behind that point.

To express this offset in an understandable way, we define a symbol
r3_offset which is updated at various points so that it equal to the
difference between the address of the first unmodified byte of the
destination and the value in r3.  (In fact it only needs to be
accurate at the point of each lex or stex macro invocation.)

The rules for updating r3_offset are as follows:

* It starts out at 0
* An addi r3,r3,N instruction decreases r3_offset by N
* A store instruction (stb, sth, stw, std) to N(r3)
  increases r3_offset by the width of the store (1, 2, 4, 8)
* A store with update instruction (stbu, sthu, stwu, stdu) to N(r3)
  sets r3_offset to the width of the store.

There is some trickiness to the way that the lex and stex macros and
the associated exception handlers work.  I would have liked to use
the current value of r3_offset in the name of the symbol used as
the exception handler, as in ".Lld_exc_$(r3_offset)" and then
have symbols .Lld_exc_0, .Lld_exc_8, .Lld_exc_16 etc. corresponding
to the offsets that needed to be added to r3.  However, I couldn't
see a way to do that with gas.

Instead, the exception handler address is .Lld_exc - r3_offset or
.Lst_exc - r3_offset, that is, the distance ahead of .Lld_exc/.Lst_exc
that we start executing is equal to the amount that we need to add to
r3.  This works because r3_offset is always a small multiple of 4,
and our instructions are 4 bytes long.  This means that before
.Lld_exc and .Lst_exc, we have a sequence of instructions that
increments r3 by 4, 8, 16 or 24 depending on where we start.  The
sequence increments r3 by 4 per instruction (on average).

We also replace the exception table for the 4k copy loop by a
macro per load or store.  These loads and stores all use exactly
the same exception handler, which simply resets the argument registers
r3, r4 and r5 to there original values and re-does the whole copy
using the slower loop.

Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus at ozlabs.org>
 arch/powerpc/lib/copyuser_64.S | 551 +++++++++++++++++------------------------
 1 file changed, 225 insertions(+), 326 deletions(-)

diff --git a/arch/powerpc/lib/copyuser_64.S b/arch/powerpc/lib/copyuser_64.S
index 2d6f128..8c5033c 100644
--- a/arch/powerpc/lib/copyuser_64.S
+++ b/arch/powerpc/lib/copyuser_64.S
@@ -20,6 +20,28 @@
 #define sHd sld		/* Shift towards high-numbered address. */
+ * These macros are used to generate exception table entries.
+ * The exception handlers below use the original arguments
+ * (stored on the stack) and the point where we're up to in
+ * the destination buffer, i.e. the address of the first
+ * unmodified byte.  Generally r3 points into the destination
+ * buffer, but the first unmodified byte is at a variable
+ * offset from r3.  In the code below, the symbol r3_offset
+ * is set to indicate the current offset at each point in
+ * the code.  This offset is then used as a negative offset
+ * from the exception handler code, and those instructions
+ * before the exception handlers are addi instructions that
+ * adjust r3 to point to the correct place.
+ */
+	.macro	lex		/* exception handler for load */
+100:	EX_TABLE(100b, .Lld_exc - r3_offset)
+	.endm
+	.macro	stex		/* exception handler for store */
+100:	EX_TABLE(100b, .Lst_exc - r3_offset)
+	.endm
 	.align	7
 #ifdef CONFIG_PPC_BOOK3S_64
@@ -30,7 +52,7 @@ FTR_SECTION_ELSE
-	/* first check for a whole page copy on a page boundary */
+	/* first check for a 4kB copy on a 4kB boundary */
 	cmpldi	cr1,r5,16
 	cmpdi	cr6,r5,4096
 	or	r0,r3,r4
 	addi	r3,r3,-16
+r3_offset = 16
 	andi.	r0,r4,7
 	bne	.Lsrc_unaligned
 	blt	cr1,.Ldo_tail		/* if < 16 bytes to copy */
 	srdi	r0,r5,5
 	cmpdi	cr1,r0,0
-20:	ld	r7,0(r4)
-220:	ld	r6,8(r4)
+lex;	ld	r7,0(r4)
+lex;	ld	r6,8(r4)
 	addi	r4,r4,16
 	mtctr	r0
 	andi.	r0,r5,0x10
 	beq	22f
 	addi	r3,r3,16
+r3_offset = 0
 	addi	r4,r4,-16
 	mr	r9,r7
 	mr	r8,r6
 	beq	cr1,72f
-21:	ld	r7,16(r4)
-221:	ld	r6,24(r4)
+lex;	ld	r7,16(r4)
+lex;	ld	r6,24(r4)
 	addi	r4,r4,32
-70:	std	r9,0(r3)
-270:	std	r8,8(r3)
-22:	ld	r9,0(r4)
-222:	ld	r8,8(r4)
-71:	std	r7,16(r3)
-271:	std	r6,24(r3)
+stex;	std	r9,0(r3)
+r3_offset = 8
+stex;	std	r8,8(r3)
+r3_offset = 16
+lex;	ld	r9,0(r4)
+lex;	ld	r8,8(r4)
+stex;	std	r7,16(r3)
+r3_offset = 24
+stex;	std	r6,24(r3)
 	addi	r3,r3,32
+r3_offset = 0
 	bdnz	21b
-72:	std	r9,0(r3)
-272:	std	r8,8(r3)
+stex;	std	r9,0(r3)
+r3_offset = 8
+stex;	std	r8,8(r3)
+r3_offset = 16
 	andi.	r5,r5,0xf
 	beq+	3f
 	addi	r4,r4,16
 	addi	r3,r3,16
+r3_offset = 0
 	bf	cr7*4+0,246f
-244:	ld	r9,0(r4)
+lex;	ld	r9,0(r4)
 	addi	r4,r4,8
-245:	std	r9,0(r3)
+stex;	std	r9,0(r3)
 	addi	r3,r3,8
 246:	bf	cr7*4+1,1f
-23:	lwz	r9,0(r4)
+lex;	lwz	r9,0(r4)
 	addi	r4,r4,4
-73:	stw	r9,0(r3)
+stex;	stw	r9,0(r3)
 	addi	r3,r3,4
 1:	bf	cr7*4+2,2f
-44:	lhz	r9,0(r4)
+lex;	lhz	r9,0(r4)
 	addi	r4,r4,2
-74:	sth	r9,0(r3)
+stex;	sth	r9,0(r3)
 	addi	r3,r3,2
 2:	bf	cr7*4+3,3f
-45:	lbz	r9,0(r4)
-75:	stb	r9,0(r3)
+lex;	lbz	r9,0(r4)
+stex;	stb	r9,0(r3)
 3:	li	r3,0
+r3_offset = 16
 	srdi	r6,r5,3
 	addi	r5,r5,-16
 	subf	r4,r0,r4
 	add	r5,r5,r0
 	bt	cr7*4+0,28f
-24:	ld	r9,0(r4)	/* 3+2n loads, 2+2n stores */
-25:	ld	r0,8(r4)
+lex;	ld	r9,0(r4)	/* 3+2n loads, 2+2n stores */
+lex;	ld	r0,8(r4)
 	sLd	r6,r9,r10
-26:	ldu	r9,16(r4)
+lex;	ldu	r9,16(r4)
 	sHd	r7,r0,r11
 	sLd	r8,r0,r10
 	or	r7,r7,r6
 	blt	cr6,79f
-27:	ld	r0,8(r4)
+lex;	ld	r0,8(r4)
 	b	2f
-28:	ld	r0,0(r4)	/* 4+2n loads, 3+2n stores */
-29:	ldu	r9,8(r4)
+lex;	ld	r0,0(r4)	/* 4+2n loads, 3+2n stores */
+lex;	ldu	r9,8(r4)
 	sLd	r8,r0,r10
 	addi	r3,r3,-8
+r3_offset = 24
 	blt	cr6,5f
-30:	ld	r0,8(r4)
+lex;	ld	r0,8(r4)
 	sHd	r12,r9,r11
 	sLd	r6,r9,r10
-31:	ldu	r9,16(r4)
+lex;	ldu	r9,16(r4)
 	or	r12,r8,r12
 	sHd	r7,r0,r11
 	sLd	r8,r0,r10
 	addi	r3,r3,16
+r3_offset = 8
 	beq	cr6,78f
 1:	or	r7,r7,r6
-32:	ld	r0,8(r4)
-76:	std	r12,8(r3)
+lex;	ld	r0,8(r4)
+stex;	std	r12,8(r3)
+r3_offset = 16
 2:	sHd	r12,r9,r11
 	sLd	r6,r9,r10
-33:	ldu	r9,16(r4)
+lex;	ldu	r9,16(r4)
 	or	r12,r8,r12
-77:	stdu	r7,16(r3)
+stex;	stdu	r7,16(r3)
+r3_offset = 8
 	sHd	r7,r0,r11
 	sLd	r8,r0,r10
 	bdnz	1b
-78:	std	r12,8(r3)
+stex;	std	r12,8(r3)
+r3_offset = 16
 	or	r7,r7,r6
-79:	std	r7,16(r3)
+stex;	std	r7,16(r3)
+r3_offset = 24
 5:	sHd	r12,r9,r11
 	or	r12,r8,r12
-80:	std	r12,24(r3)
+stex;	std	r12,24(r3)
+r3_offset = 32
 	bne	6f
 	li	r3,0
 6:	cmpwi	cr1,r5,8
 	addi	r3,r3,32
+r3_offset = 0
 	sLd	r9,r9,r10
 	ble	cr1,7f
-34:	ld	r0,8(r4)
+lex;	ld	r0,8(r4)
 	sHd	r7,r0,r11
 	or	r9,r7,r9
 #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
 	rotldi	r9,r9,32
-94:	stw	r9,0(r3)
+stex;	stw	r9,0(r3)
 #ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
 	rotrdi	r9,r9,32
 #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
 	rotldi	r9,r9,16
-95:	sth	r9,0(r3)
+stex;	sth	r9,0(r3)
 #ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
 	rotrdi	r9,r9,16
 #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
 	rotldi	r9,r9,8
-96:	stb	r9,0(r3)
+stex;	stb	r9,0(r3)
 #ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
 	rotrdi	r9,r9,8
+r3_offset = 0
 	PPC_MTOCRF(0x01,r6)		/* put #bytes to 8B bdry into cr7 */
 	subf	r5,r6,r5
 	li	r7,0
 	cmpldi	cr1,r5,16
 	bf	cr7*4+3,1f
-35:	lbz	r0,0(r4)
-81:	stb	r0,0(r3)
+100:	EX_TABLE(100b, .Lld_exc_r7)
+	lbz	r0,0(r4)
+100:	EX_TABLE(100b, .Lst_exc_r7)
+	stb	r0,0(r3)
 	addi	r7,r7,1
 1:	bf	cr7*4+2,2f
-36:	lhzx	r0,r7,r4
-82:	sthx	r0,r7,r3
+100:	EX_TABLE(100b, .Lld_exc_r7)
+	lhzx	r0,r7,r4
+100:	EX_TABLE(100b, .Lst_exc_r7)
+	sthx	r0,r7,r3
 	addi	r7,r7,2
 2:	bf	cr7*4+1,3f
-37:	lwzx	r0,r7,r4
-83:	stwx	r0,r7,r3
+100:	EX_TABLE(100b, .Lld_exc_r7)
+	lwzx	r0,r7,r4
+100:	EX_TABLE(100b, .Lst_exc_r7)
+	stwx	r0,r7,r3
 3:	PPC_MTOCRF(0x01,r5)
 	add	r4,r6,r4
 	add	r3,r6,r3
 	b	.Ldst_aligned
+r3_offset = 0
 	bf	cr7*4+0,1f
-38:	lwz	r0,0(r4)
-39:	lwz	r9,4(r4)
+lex;	lwz	r0,0(r4)
+lex;	lwz	r9,4(r4)
 	addi	r4,r4,8
-84:	stw	r0,0(r3)
-85:	stw	r9,4(r3)
+stex;	stw	r0,0(r3)
+stex;	stw	r9,4(r3)
 	addi	r3,r3,8
 1:	bf	cr7*4+1,2f
-40:	lwz	r0,0(r4)
+lex;	lwz	r0,0(r4)
 	addi	r4,r4,4
-86:	stw	r0,0(r3)
+stex;	stw	r0,0(r3)
 	addi	r3,r3,4
 2:	bf	cr7*4+2,3f
-41:	lhz	r0,0(r4)
+lex;	lhz	r0,0(r4)
 	addi	r4,r4,2
-87:	sth	r0,0(r3)
+stex;	sth	r0,0(r3)
 	addi	r3,r3,2
 3:	bf	cr7*4+3,4f
-42:	lbz	r0,0(r4)
-88:	stb	r0,0(r3)
+lex;	lbz	r0,0(r4)
+stex;	stb	r0,0(r3)
 4:	li	r3,0
  * exception handlers follow
  * we have to return the number of bytes not copied
  * for an exception on a load, we set the rest of the destination to 0
+ * Note that the number of bytes of instructions for adjusting r3 needs
+ * to equal the amount of the adjustment, due to the trick of using
+ * .Lld_exc - r3_offset as the handler address.
 	add	r3,r3,r7
-	b	1f
+	b	.Lld_exc
+	/* adjust by 24 */
 	addi	r3,r3,8
+	nop
+	/* adjust by 16 */
 	addi	r3,r3,8
+	nop
+	/* adjust by 8 */
 	addi	r3,r3,8
+	nop
- * here we have had a fault on a load and r3 points to the first
- * unmodified byte of the destination
+ * Here we have had a fault on a load and r3 points to the first
+ * unmodified byte of the destination.  We use the original arguments
+ * and r3 to work out how much wasn't copied.  Since we load some
+ * distance ahead of the stores, we continue copying byte-by-byte until
+ * we hit the load fault again in order to copy as much as possible.
-1:	ld	r6,-24(r1)
+	ld	r6,-24(r1)
 	ld	r4,-16(r1)
 	ld	r5,-8(r1)
 	subf	r6,r6,r3
  * first see if we can copy any more bytes before hitting another exception
 	mtctr	r5
+r3_offset = 0
+100:	EX_TABLE(100b, .Ldone)
 43:	lbz	r0,0(r4)
 	addi	r4,r4,1
-89:	stb	r0,0(r3)
+stex;	stb	r0,0(r3)
 	addi	r3,r3,1
 	bdnz	43b
 	li	r3,0		/* huh? all copied successfully this time? */
  * here we have trapped again, amount remaining is in ctr.
-143:	mfctr	r3
+	mfctr	r3
  * exception handlers for stores: we just need to work
  * out how many bytes weren't copied
+ * Note that the number of bytes of instructions for adjusting r3 needs
+ * to equal the amount of the adjustment, due to the trick of using
+ * .Lst_exc - r3_offset as the handler address.
 	add	r3,r3,r7
-	b	1f
+	b	.Lst_exc
+	/* adjust by 24 */
 	addi	r3,r3,8
+	nop
+	/* adjust by 16 */
 	addi	r3,r3,8
+	nop
+	/* adjust by 8 */
 	addi	r3,r3,4
+	/* adjust by 4 */
 	addi	r3,r3,4
 	ld	r6,-24(r1)
 	ld	r5,-8(r1)
 	add	r6,r6,r5
-	subf	r3,r3,r6	/* #bytes not copied */
+	subf	r3,r3,r6	/* #bytes not copied in r3 */
-	EX_TABLE(20b,120b)
-	EX_TABLE(220b,320b)
-	EX_TABLE(21b,121b)
-	EX_TABLE(221b,321b)
-	EX_TABLE(70b,170b)
-	EX_TABLE(270b,370b)
-	EX_TABLE(22b,122b)
-	EX_TABLE(222b,322b)
-	EX_TABLE(71b,171b)
-	EX_TABLE(271b,371b)
-	EX_TABLE(72b,172b)
-	EX_TABLE(272b,372b)
-	EX_TABLE(244b,344b)
-	EX_TABLE(245b,345b)
-	EX_TABLE(23b,123b)
-	EX_TABLE(73b,173b)
-	EX_TABLE(44b,144b)
-	EX_TABLE(74b,174b)
-	EX_TABLE(45b,145b)
-	EX_TABLE(75b,175b)
-	EX_TABLE(24b,124b)
-	EX_TABLE(25b,125b)
-	EX_TABLE(26b,126b)
-	EX_TABLE(27b,127b)
-	EX_TABLE(28b,128b)
-	EX_TABLE(29b,129b)
-	EX_TABLE(30b,130b)
-	EX_TABLE(31b,131b)
-	EX_TABLE(32b,132b)
-	EX_TABLE(76b,176b)
-	EX_TABLE(33b,133b)
-	EX_TABLE(77b,177b)
-	EX_TABLE(78b,178b)
-	EX_TABLE(79b,179b)
-	EX_TABLE(80b,180b)
-	EX_TABLE(34b,134b)
-	EX_TABLE(94b,194b)
-	EX_TABLE(95b,195b)
-	EX_TABLE(96b,196b)
-	EX_TABLE(35b,135b)
-	EX_TABLE(81b,181b)
-	EX_TABLE(36b,136b)
-	EX_TABLE(82b,182b)
-	EX_TABLE(37b,137b)
-	EX_TABLE(83b,183b)
-	EX_TABLE(38b,138b)
-	EX_TABLE(39b,139b)
-	EX_TABLE(84b,184b)
-	EX_TABLE(85b,185b)
-	EX_TABLE(40b,140b)
-	EX_TABLE(86b,186b)
-	EX_TABLE(41b,141b)
-	EX_TABLE(87b,187b)
-	EX_TABLE(42b,142b)
-	EX_TABLE(88b,188b)
-	EX_TABLE(43b,143b)
-	EX_TABLE(89b,189b)
  * Routine to copy a whole page of data, optimized for POWER4.
  * On POWER4 it is more than 50% faster than the simple loop
  * above (following the .Ldst_aligned label).
+	.macro	exc
+100:	EX_TABLE(100b, .Labort)
+	.endm
 	std	r31,-32(1)
 	std	r30,-40(1)
 	li	r0,5
 0:	addi	r5,r5,-24
 	mtctr	r0
-20:	ld	r22,640(4)
-21:	ld	r21,512(4)
-22:	ld	r20,384(4)
-23:	ld	r11,256(4)
-24:	ld	r9,128(4)
-25:	ld	r7,0(4)
-26:	ld	r25,648(4)
-27:	ld	r24,520(4)
-28:	ld	r23,392(4)
-29:	ld	r10,264(4)
-30:	ld	r8,136(4)
-31:	ldu	r6,8(4)
+exc;	ld	r22,640(4)
+exc;	ld	r21,512(4)
+exc;	ld	r20,384(4)
+exc;	ld	r11,256(4)
+exc;	ld	r9,128(4)
+exc;	ld	r7,0(4)
+exc;	ld	r25,648(4)
+exc;	ld	r24,520(4)
+exc;	ld	r23,392(4)
+exc;	ld	r10,264(4)
+exc;	ld	r8,136(4)
+exc;	ldu	r6,8(4)
 	cmpwi	r5,24
-32:	std	r22,648(3)
-33:	std	r21,520(3)
-34:	std	r20,392(3)
-35:	std	r11,264(3)
-36:	std	r9,136(3)
-37:	std	r7,8(3)
-38:	ld	r28,648(4)
-39:	ld	r27,520(4)
-40:	ld	r26,392(4)
-41:	ld	r31,264(4)
-42:	ld	r30,136(4)
-43:	ld	r29,8(4)
-44:	std	r25,656(3)
-45:	std	r24,528(3)
-46:	std	r23,400(3)
-47:	std	r10,272(3)
-48:	std	r8,144(3)
-49:	std	r6,16(3)
-50:	ld	r22,656(4)
-51:	ld	r21,528(4)
-52:	ld	r20,400(4)
-53:	ld	r11,272(4)
-54:	ld	r9,144(4)
-55:	ld	r7,16(4)
-56:	std	r28,664(3)
-57:	std	r27,536(3)
-58:	std	r26,408(3)
-59:	std	r31,280(3)
-60:	std	r30,152(3)
-61:	stdu	r29,24(3)
-62:	ld	r25,664(4)
-63:	ld	r24,536(4)
-64:	ld	r23,408(4)
-65:	ld	r10,280(4)
-66:	ld	r8,152(4)
-67:	ldu	r6,24(4)
+exc;	std	r22,648(3)
+exc;	std	r21,520(3)
+exc;	std	r20,392(3)
+exc;	std	r11,264(3)
+exc;	std	r9,136(3)
+exc;	std	r7,8(3)
+exc;	ld	r28,648(4)
+exc;	ld	r27,520(4)
+exc;	ld	r26,392(4)
+exc;	ld	r31,264(4)
+exc;	ld	r30,136(4)
+exc;	ld	r29,8(4)
+exc;	std	r25,656(3)
+exc;	std	r24,528(3)
+exc;	std	r23,400(3)
+exc;	std	r10,272(3)
+exc;	std	r8,144(3)
+exc;	std	r6,16(3)
+exc;	ld	r22,656(4)
+exc;	ld	r21,528(4)
+exc;	ld	r20,400(4)
+exc;	ld	r11,272(4)
+exc;	ld	r9,144(4)
+exc;	ld	r7,16(4)
+exc;	std	r28,664(3)
+exc;	std	r27,536(3)
+exc;	std	r26,408(3)
+exc;	std	r31,280(3)
+exc;	std	r30,152(3)
+exc;	stdu	r29,24(3)
+exc;	ld	r25,664(4)
+exc;	ld	r24,536(4)
+exc;	ld	r23,408(4)
+exc;	ld	r10,280(4)
+exc;	ld	r8,152(4)
+exc;	ldu	r6,24(4)
 	bdnz	1b
-68:	std	r22,648(3)
-69:	std	r21,520(3)
-70:	std	r20,392(3)
-71:	std	r11,264(3)
-72:	std	r9,136(3)
-73:	std	r7,8(3)
-74:	addi	r4,r4,640
-75:	addi	r3,r3,648
+exc;	std	r22,648(3)
+exc;	std	r21,520(3)
+exc;	std	r20,392(3)
+exc;	std	r11,264(3)
+exc;	std	r9,136(3)
+exc;	std	r7,8(3)
+	addi	r4,r4,640
+	addi	r3,r3,648
 	bge	0b
 	mtctr	r5
-76:	ld	r7,0(4)
-77:	ld	r8,8(4)
-78:	ldu	r9,16(4)
+exc;	ld	r7,0(4)
+exc;	ld	r8,8(4)
+exc;	ldu	r9,16(4)
-79:	ld	r10,8(4)
-80:	std	r7,8(3)
-81:	ld	r7,16(4)
-82:	std	r8,16(3)
-83:	ld	r8,24(4)
-84:	std	r9,24(3)
-85:	ldu	r9,32(4)
-86:	stdu	r10,32(3)
+exc;	ld	r10,8(4)
+exc;	std	r7,8(3)
+exc;	ld	r7,16(4)
+exc;	std	r8,16(3)
+exc;	ld	r8,24(4)
+exc;	std	r9,24(3)
+exc;	ldu	r9,32(4)
+exc;	stdu	r10,32(3)
 	bdnz	3b
-87:	ld	r10,8(4)
-88:	std	r7,8(3)
-89:	std	r8,16(3)
-90:	std	r9,24(3)
-91:	std	r10,32(3)
+exc;	ld	r10,8(4)
+exc;	std	r7,8(3)
+exc;	std	r8,16(3)
+exc;	std	r9,24(3)
+exc;	std	r10,32(3)
 9:	ld	r20,-120(1)
 	ld	r21,-112(1)
 	ld	r22,-104(1)
  * on an exception, reset to the beginning and jump back into the
  * standard __copy_tofrom_user
-100:	ld	r20,-120(1)
+	ld	r20,-120(1)
 	ld	r21,-112(1)
 	ld	r22,-104(1)
 	ld	r23,-96(1)
 	ld	r4,-16(r1)
 	li	r5,4096
 	b	.Ldst_aligned
-	EX_TABLE(20b,100b)
-	EX_TABLE(21b,100b)
-	EX_TABLE(22b,100b)
-	EX_TABLE(23b,100b)
-	EX_TABLE(24b,100b)
-	EX_TABLE(25b,100b)
-	EX_TABLE(26b,100b)
-	EX_TABLE(27b,100b)
-	EX_TABLE(28b,100b)
-	EX_TABLE(29b,100b)
-	EX_TABLE(30b,100b)
-	EX_TABLE(31b,100b)
-	EX_TABLE(32b,100b)
-	EX_TABLE(33b,100b)
-	EX_TABLE(34b,100b)
-	EX_TABLE(35b,100b)
-	EX_TABLE(36b,100b)
-	EX_TABLE(37b,100b)
-	EX_TABLE(38b,100b)
-	EX_TABLE(39b,100b)
-	EX_TABLE(40b,100b)
-	EX_TABLE(41b,100b)
-	EX_TABLE(42b,100b)
-	EX_TABLE(43b,100b)
-	EX_TABLE(44b,100b)
-	EX_TABLE(45b,100b)
-	EX_TABLE(46b,100b)
-	EX_TABLE(47b,100b)
-	EX_TABLE(48b,100b)
-	EX_TABLE(49b,100b)
-	EX_TABLE(50b,100b)
-	EX_TABLE(51b,100b)
-	EX_TABLE(52b,100b)
-	EX_TABLE(53b,100b)
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-	EX_TABLE(55b,100b)
-	EX_TABLE(56b,100b)
-	EX_TABLE(57b,100b)
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-	EX_TABLE(60b,100b)
-	EX_TABLE(61b,100b)
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-	EX_TABLE(77b,100b)
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-	EX_TABLE(80b,100b)
-	EX_TABLE(81b,100b)
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