[PATCH v3 4/4] 44x/fsp2: add irq error handlers

Ivan Mikhaylov ivan at de.ibm.com
Sat Dec 9 02:41:02 AEDT 2017

add irq error handlers for cmu, plb, opb, mcue, conf
with debug information output in case of problems.

Signed-off-by: Ivan Mikhaylov <ivan at de.ibm.com>
 arch/powerpc/platforms/44x/fsp2.c |  198 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 files changed, 197 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/arch/powerpc/platforms/44x/fsp2.c b/arch/powerpc/platforms/44x/fsp2.c
index 7c9bc93..83786b2 100644
--- a/arch/powerpc/platforms/44x/fsp2.c
+++ b/arch/powerpc/platforms/44x/fsp2.c
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@
 #include <asm/uic.h>
 #include <asm/ppc4xx.h>
 #include <asm/dcr.h>
+#include <linux/interrupt.h>
+#include <linux/of_irq.h>
 #include "fsp2.h"
 static __initdata struct of_device_id fsp2_of_bus[] = {
@@ -37,6 +39,194 @@
+static void l2regs(void)
+	pr_err("L2 Controller:\n");
+	pr_err("MCK:      0x%08x\n", mfl2(L2MCK));
+	pr_err("INT:      0x%08x\n", mfl2(L2INT));
+	pr_err("PLBSTAT0: 0x%08x\n", mfl2(L2PLBSTAT0));
+	pr_err("PLBSTAT1: 0x%08x\n", mfl2(L2PLBSTAT1));
+	pr_err("ARRSTAT0: 0x%08x\n", mfl2(L2ARRSTAT0));
+	pr_err("ARRSTAT1: 0x%08x\n", mfl2(L2ARRSTAT1));
+	pr_err("ARRSTAT2: 0x%08x\n", mfl2(L2ARRSTAT2));
+	pr_err("CPUSTAT:  0x%08x\n", mfl2(L2CPUSTAT));
+	pr_err("RACSTAT0: 0x%08x\n", mfl2(L2RACSTAT0));
+	pr_err("WACSTAT0: 0x%08x\n", mfl2(L2WACSTAT0));
+	pr_err("WACSTAT1: 0x%08x\n", mfl2(L2WACSTAT1));
+	pr_err("WACSTAT2: 0x%08x\n", mfl2(L2WACSTAT2));
+	pr_err("WDFSTAT:  0x%08x\n", mfl2(L2WDFSTAT));
+	pr_err("LOG0:     0x%08x\n", mfl2(L2LOG0));
+	pr_err("LOG1:     0x%08x\n", mfl2(L2LOG1));
+	pr_err("LOG2:     0x%08x\n", mfl2(L2LOG2));
+	pr_err("LOG3:     0x%08x\n", mfl2(L2LOG3));
+	pr_err("LOG4:     0x%08x\n", mfl2(L2LOG4));
+	pr_err("LOG5:     0x%08x\n", mfl2(L2LOG5));
+static void show_plbopb_regs(u32 base, int num)
+	pr_err("\nPLBOPB Bridge %d:\n", num);
+	pr_err("GESR0: 0x%08x\n", mfdcr(base + PLB4OPB_GESR0));
+	pr_err("GESR1: 0x%08x\n", mfdcr(base + PLB4OPB_GESR1));
+	pr_err("GESR2: 0x%08x\n", mfdcr(base + PLB4OPB_GESR2));
+	pr_err("GEARU: 0x%08x\n", mfdcr(base + PLB4OPB_GEARU));
+	pr_err("GEAR:  0x%08x\n", mfdcr(base + PLB4OPB_GEAR));
+static irqreturn_t bus_err_handler(int irq, void *data)
+	pr_err("Bus Error\n");
+	l2regs();
+	pr_err("\nPLB6 Controller:\n");
+	pr_err("BC_SHD: 0x%08x\n", mfdcr(DCRN_PLB6_SHD));
+	pr_err("BC_ERR: 0x%08x\n", mfdcr(DCRN_PLB6_ERR));
+	pr_err("\nPLB6-to-PLB4 Bridge:\n");
+	pr_err("ESR:  0x%08x\n", mfdcr(DCRN_PLB6PLB4_ESR));
+	pr_err("EARH: 0x%08x\n", mfdcr(DCRN_PLB6PLB4_EARH));
+	pr_err("EARL: 0x%08x\n", mfdcr(DCRN_PLB6PLB4_EARL));
+	pr_err("\nPLB4-to-PLB6 Bridge:\n");
+	pr_err("ESR:  0x%08x\n", mfdcr(DCRN_PLB4PLB6_ESR));
+	pr_err("EARH: 0x%08x\n", mfdcr(DCRN_PLB4PLB6_EARH));
+	pr_err("EARL: 0x%08x\n", mfdcr(DCRN_PLB4PLB6_EARL));
+	pr_err("\nPLB6-to-MCIF Bridge:\n");
+	pr_err("BESR0: 0x%08x\n", mfdcr(DCRN_PLB6MCIF_BESR0));
+	pr_err("BESR1: 0x%08x\n", mfdcr(DCRN_PLB6MCIF_BESR1));
+	pr_err("BEARH: 0x%08x\n", mfdcr(DCRN_PLB6MCIF_BEARH));
+	pr_err("BEARL: 0x%08x\n", mfdcr(DCRN_PLB6MCIF_BEARL));
+	pr_err("\nPLB4 Arbiter:\n");
+	pr_err("P0ESRH 0x%08x\n", mfdcr(DCRN_PLB4_P0ESRH));
+	pr_err("P0ESRL 0x%08x\n", mfdcr(DCRN_PLB4_P0ESRL));
+	pr_err("P0EARH 0x%08x\n", mfdcr(DCRN_PLB4_P0EARH));
+	pr_err("P0EARH 0x%08x\n", mfdcr(DCRN_PLB4_P0EARH));
+	pr_err("P1ESRH 0x%08x\n", mfdcr(DCRN_PLB4_P1ESRH));
+	pr_err("P1ESRL 0x%08x\n", mfdcr(DCRN_PLB4_P1ESRL));
+	pr_err("P1EARH 0x%08x\n", mfdcr(DCRN_PLB4_P1EARH));
+	pr_err("P1EARH 0x%08x\n", mfdcr(DCRN_PLB4_P1EARH));
+	show_plbopb_regs(DCRN_PLB4OPB0_BASE, 0);
+	show_plbopb_regs(DCRN_PLB4OPB1_BASE, 1);
+	show_plbopb_regs(DCRN_PLB4OPB2_BASE, 2);
+	show_plbopb_regs(DCRN_PLB4OPB3_BASE, 3);
+	pr_err("\nPLB4-to-AHB Bridge:\n");
+	pr_err("ESR:   0x%08x\n", mfdcr(DCRN_PLB4AHB_ESR));
+	pr_err("SEUAR: 0x%08x\n", mfdcr(DCRN_PLB4AHB_SEUAR));
+	pr_err("SELAR: 0x%08x\n", mfdcr(DCRN_PLB4AHB_SELAR));
+	pr_err("\nAHB-to-PLB4 Bridge:\n");
+	pr_err("\nESR: 0x%08x\n", mfdcr(DCRN_AHBPLB4_ESR));
+	pr_err("\nEAR: 0x%08x\n", mfdcr(DCRN_AHBPLB4_EAR));
+	panic("Bus Error\n");
+static irqreturn_t cmu_err_handler(int irq, void *data) {
+	pr_err("CMU Error\n");
+	pr_err("FIR0: 0x%08x\n", mfcmu(CMUN_FIR0));
+	panic("CMU Error\n");
+static irqreturn_t conf_err_handler(int irq, void *data) {
+	pr_err("Configuration Logic Error\n");
+	pr_err("CONF_FIR: 0x%08x\n", mfdcr(DCRN_CONF_FIR_RWC));
+	pr_err("RPERR0:   0x%08x\n", mfdcr(DCRN_CONF_RPERR0));
+	pr_err("RPERR1:   0x%08x\n", mfdcr(DCRN_CONF_RPERR1));
+	panic("Configuration Logic Error\n");
+static irqreturn_t opbd_err_handler(int irq, void *data) {
+	panic("OPBD Error\n");
+static irqreturn_t mcue_handler(int irq, void *data) {
+	pr_err("DDR: Uncorrectable Error\n");
+	pr_err("MCSTAT:            0x%08x\n",
+	pr_err("MCOPT1:            0x%08x\n",
+		mfdcr(DCRN_DDR34_BASE + DCRN_DDR34_MCOPT1));
+	pr_err("MCOPT2:            0x%08x\n",
+		mfdcr(DCRN_DDR34_BASE + DCRN_DDR34_MCOPT2));
+	pr_err("PHYSTAT:           0x%08x\n",
+	pr_err("CFGR0:             0x%08x\n",
+		mfdcr(DCRN_DDR34_BASE + DCRN_DDR34_CFGR0));
+	pr_err("CFGR1:             0x%08x\n",
+		mfdcr(DCRN_DDR34_BASE + DCRN_DDR34_CFGR1));
+	pr_err("CFGR2:             0x%08x\n",
+		mfdcr(DCRN_DDR34_BASE + DCRN_DDR34_CFGR2));
+	pr_err("CFGR3:             0x%08x\n",
+		mfdcr(DCRN_DDR34_BASE + DCRN_DDR34_CFGR3));
+	pr_err("SCRUB_CNTL:        0x%08x\n",
+	pr_err("ECCERR_PORT0:      0x%08x\n",
+	pr_err("ECCERR_ADDR_PORT0: 0x%08x\n",
+	pr_err("ECCERR_CNT_PORT0:  0x%08x\n",
+	pr_err("ECC_CHECK_PORT0:   0x%08x\n",
+	pr_err("MCER0:            0x%08x\n",
+		mfdcr(DCRN_CW_BASE + DCRN_CW_MCER0));
+	pr_err("MCER1:            0x%08x\n",
+		mfdcr(DCRN_CW_BASE + DCRN_CW_MCER1));
+	pr_err("BESR:             0x%08x\n",
+		mfdcr(DCRN_PLB6MCIF_BESR0));
+	pr_err("BEARL:            0x%08x\n",
+	pr_err("BEARH:            0x%08x\n",
+	panic("DDR: Uncorrectable Error\n");
+static irqreturn_t rst_wrn_handler(int irq, void *data) {
+	u32 crcs = mfcmu(CMUN_CRCS);
+	switch (crcs & CRCS_STAT_MASK) {
+		panic("Received chassis-initiated reset request");
+	default:
+		panic("Unknown external reset: CRCS=0x%x", crcs);
+	}
+static void node_irq_request(const char *compat, irq_handler_t errirq_handler)
+	struct device_node *np;
+	unsigned int irq;
+	int32_t rc;
+	for_each_compatible_node(np, NULL, compat) {
+		irq = irq_of_parse_and_map(np, 0);
+		if (irq == NO_IRQ) {
+			pr_err("device tree node %s is missing a interrupt",
+			      np->name);
+			return;
+		}
+		rc = request_irq(irq, errirq_handler, 0, np->name, np);
+		if (rc) {
+			pr_err("fsp_of_probe: request_irq failed: np=%s rc=%d",
+			      np->full_name, rc);
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+static void critical_irq_setup(void)
+	node_irq_request("ibm,cmu-error-irq", cmu_err_handler);
+	node_irq_request("ibm,bus-error-irq", bus_err_handler);
+	node_irq_request("ibm,conf-error-irq", conf_err_handler);
+	node_irq_request("ibm,opbd-error-irq", opbd_err_handler);
+	node_irq_request("ibm,mc-ue-irq", mcue_handler);
+	node_irq_request("ibm,reset-warning-irq", rst_wrn_handler);
 static int __init fsp2_device_probe(void)
 	of_platform_bus_probe(NULL, fsp2_of_bus, NULL);
@@ -105,11 +295,17 @@ static int __init fsp2_probe(void)
 	return 1;
+static void __init fsp2_irq_init(void)
+	uic_init_tree();
+	critical_irq_setup();
 define_machine(fsp2) {
 	.name			= "FSP-2",
 	.probe			= fsp2_probe,
 	.progress		= udbg_progress,
-	.init_IRQ		= uic_init_tree,
+	.init_IRQ		= fsp2_irq_init,
 	.get_irq		= uic_get_irq,
 	.restart		= ppc4xx_reset_system,
 	.calibrate_decr		= generic_calibrate_decr,

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