Proposed: Patch to fix boot on PA6T

Darren Stevens darren at
Mon Jun 27 03:42:11 AEST 2016

Hello All,

    commit d6a9996e84ac4beb7713e9485f4563e100a9b03e
    powerpc/mm: vmalloc abstraction in preparation for radix

    This commit introduced variables for some linux kernel addresses that had
    been constants, unfortunately this stopped PaSemi PA6T systems(*) from
booting as
    they call ioremap to map SoC registers before the mmu is initialised. The
    patch adds a hard-coded init of pci_io_base to the pas_init_early()
function which
    which allows the kernel to boot normally.

    The value will be harmlessly set again once pci starts up.

    (*) At the moment this has only been tested on an AmigaOneX1000, but I
expect PaSemi
    reference systems to have been affected in the same way.

Kind regards
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