[PATCH] powerpc/ucc_geth: deal with an compile warning

Scott Wood scottwood at freescale.com
Wed Jun 25 04:04:10 EST 2014

On Tue, 2014-06-24 at 16:18 +0800, Zhao Qiang wrote:
> deal with a compile warning: comparison between
> 'enum qe_fltr_largest_external_tbl_lookup_key_size'
> and 'enum qe_fltr_tbl_lookup_key_size'
> the code:
> 	"if (ug_info->largestexternallookupkeysize ==
> is warned because different enum, so modify it.
> 	"enum qe_fltr_largest_external_tbl_lookup_key_size
> 	             largestexternallookupkeysize;
> 	enum qe_fltr_tbl_lookup_key_size {
> 			 = 0x3f,         /* LookupKey parsed by the Generate LookupKey
> 					    CMD is truncated to 8 bytes */
> 			 = 0x5f,         /* LookupKey parsed by the Generate LookupKey
> 					    CMD is truncated to 16 bytes */
> 	 };
> 	 /* QE FLTR extended filtering Largest External Table Lookup Key Size */
> 	 enum qe_fltr_largest_external_tbl_lookup_key_size {
> 			 = 0x0,/* not used */
> 			 = QE_FLTR_TABLE_LOOKUP_KEY_SIZE_8_BYTES,        /* 8 bytes */
> 			 = QE_FLTR_TABLE_LOOKUP_KEY_SIZE_16_BYTES,       /* 16 bytes */
> 	 };"
> Signed-off-by: Zhao Qiang <B45475 at freescale.com>
> ---
>  drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/ucc_geth.c | 4 ++--
>  1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

This needs to be sent to the netdev list and maintainer.


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