Question about GPIO Lib

Bruce_Leonard at Bruce_Leonard at
Wed Feb 1 04:44:03 EST 2012


Bill Gatliff <bgat at> wrote on 01/31/2012 08:39:05 AM:
> I misunderstood your message, then.  I was thinking that you were

No worries, I frequently misunderstand myself :)  Thanks for taking the 
time to respond, I appreciate it.
> I'm DEFINITELY not saying that gpiolib is generally a waste of time!  :)
> I'm just saying that, sadly, in many ways gpiolib is still a
> work-in-progress.  The userspace component has been somewhat

Okay, that's more or less the point I had gotten to myself.  My first 
linux project I just wrote everything myself and on this latest one I've 
been making a concerted effort to utilize existing services within the 
kernel.  This looked (and still does) like a good candidate, I guess I 
just need to wrap a little bit of extra around it.



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