Ask a technical problem happened on PPC board
Wang, Junhua H. (NSN - CN/Hangzhou) at
Sat Dec 31 15:15:55 EST 2011
HI, all:
Sorry to disturb all of you in the linuxppc-dev mail group. I am a new
member from linuxppc-dev from China, and I have a very weird problem, it
have been bothering me for a long time. I will be very grateful if you
can help me to analyse it.
1) Problem description:
a) FRIU(a circuit board) unit is a ppc(powerpc) unit, 256 M bytes Ram,
bootloader is uboot, kernel linux-2.6.21 filesystem: initramfs
The main problem is that when kernel start up and mount initramfs, run
the init process(pid 1), when the process(init) write file(20 M bytes)
to filesystem(initramfs),
sometimes it will find some data modified when check the file's contents
by read it.
b) I have write a test init process which will write 20 Mbytes
data(0xFF) to "/TEST0.IMG" and check it's contents. Sometimes, the
contents will by modified.
c) Here is the test procedure:
Uboot download linux kernel and initramfs --> cmd "bootm" to start linux
--> after kernel start complete, mount initramfs, run init process(pid
--> It will write 20 Mbytes data(0XFF) to 'TEST0.IMG' and check it's
contents, If there is error, the error data will be printed.
2) Error data:
a) Every time the error happened, a pair of data modified:
first place: 1C 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 040 80 ...
Second place: FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 A0 ....
Sometimes, there will be 2 pair of data modified.
b) The error happens not very often, but it happens sometime.
Could you give me some advice on how to investigate it or which part you
think will have problem?
Thanks very much!
Used kernel: linux-2.6.21 <<init process write_read file(20Mbytes)
error2.txt>> <<init process write_read file(20Mbytes) error.txt>>
Wang Junhua
Wang Junhua (Jonny)
DX 200 R&D HZ Area E
MP: +8615967154143
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