Curious serial slowdown

Guillaume Dargaud dargaud at
Tue May 11 16:18:25 EST 2010

Hello all,
I'm looking for hints on a curious problem.
I have a working kernel on a custom embedded device and it works fine.
We came up with a variation of the device with a few hardware changes, one 
of them being the number of serial ports that goes from 4 to 2.

In order to save time I tried my current kernel. When I boot the custom 
bootlader behaves the same, then the kernel boot behaves the same, but then 
once usermode is reached (the message "init started: BusyBox..."), the new 
card console display crawls to a halt (about one character per second 
instead of 115000 bauds !!!). But the card goes at normal speed as an ssh 
connection shows.

So my question is: is it caused by the fact that there are 2 missing serial 
ports ? Will making a new kernel with the correct hardware definition solve 
it ?
Guillaume Dargaud 
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