[PATCH] powerpc/pcm030.dts: add i2c eeprom and delete cruft

Segher Boessenkool segher at kernel.crashing.org
Fri May 22 03:43:14 EST 2009

> As the other thread states, "eeprom" is far too vague, and it is
> certainly not documented, and does not say anything meaningful about
> the protocol used to talk to the eeprom.  Sure, most i2c eeproms use
> the same protocol,

Not at all!  Pretty much every size of 24c has its own protocol;
and some manufacturers have special extensions for locking parts
of the array, etc.  A driver can ignore that last part, but not
the first.  So the SEEPROM size should be part of its "compatible"
name; simplest way for that is to use the model number.

> but an assumption cannot be made that that will
> always be the case.  Plus, the namespace will collide with non-i2c
> eeproms.  "i2c-eeprom" is better, but not great.  Before a value like
> "i2c-eeprom" can be acceptable, it must be documented and reviewed as
> to exactly what it means, and even then I'm uncomfortable with it.
> However, on the other point, Jon is correct.  The first value in the
> list should be "atmel,24c32", not "at24,24c32".

Yeah.  So perhaps "atmel,24c32","24c32" ?  I'm not terribly happy
with that last name, but these devices are _very_ common.


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