[PowerPC] 2.6.30-git14 boot failure with SLAB

Sachin Sant sachinp at in.ibm.com
Sat Jun 20 17:26:39 EST 2009

Benjamin Herrenschmidt wrote:
> That is strange. If I revert that commit, I get breakages on machines
> here. It would be interesting to understand what the problem is here,
> as we -do- use that kmem cache for allocating page tables, so we do
> need it initialized that early. (IE, we can't allow vmalloc for example
> to be called before the page table caches are initialized).
> This will need more debugging and understanding as to why it hangs.
Hi Ben,

Looks like the control enters pgtable_cache_init but rever returns. The
machine just hangs. I triggered a system reset via HMC to see what's
happening on the cpu. Here is the xmon o/p after a system reset.
The code that was executed was __mutex_lock_slowpath..

cpu 0x0: Vector: 100 (System Reset) at [c000000000b138e0]
    pc: c00000000060a4b8: .__mutex_lock_slowpath+0x9c/0x1f4
    lr: c00000000060abc8: .mutex_lock+0x50/0x70
    sp: c000000000b13b60
   msr: 8000000000081032
  current = 0xc000000000a3ab70
  paca    = 0xc000000000be2400
    pid   = 0, comm = swapper
enter ? for help
[c000000000b13c30] c00000000060abc8 .mutex_lock+0x50/0x70
[c000000000b13cb0] c00000000008c7f0 .get_online_cpus+0x4c/0x84
[c000000000b13d40] c00000000014a120 .kmem_cache_create+0xcc/0x5f4
[c000000000b13e50] c000000000033f38 .pgtable_cache_init+0x28/0x78
[c000000000b13ee0] c0000000008809a4 .start_kernel+0x1f8/0x568
[c000000000b13f90] c0000000000083d8 .start_here_common+0x1c/0x44
0:mon> di $.__mutex_lock_slowpath
c00000000060a41c  fba1ffe8      std     r29,-24(r1)
c00000000060a420  7c0802a6      mflr    r0
 .... SNIP .....
c00000000060a46c  7fe4fb78      mr      r4,r31
c00000000060a470  419e0014      beq     cr7,c00000000060a484    # .__mutex_lock_slowpath+0x68/0x1f4
c00000000060a474  4ba6859d      bl      c000000000072a10        # .mutex_spin_on_owner+0x0/0xbc
c00000000060a478  60000000      nop
c00000000060a47c  2fa30000      cmpdi   cr7,r3,0
c00000000060a480  419e0078      beq     cr7,c00000000060a4f8    # .__mutex_lock_slowpath+0xdc/0x1f4
c00000000060a484  93010070      stw     r24,112(r1)
c00000000060a488  93210074      stw     r25,116(r1)
c00000000060a48c  81210070      lwz     r9,112(r1)
c00000000060a490  80010074      lwz     r0,116(r1)
c00000000060a494  7d2907b4      extsw   r9,r9
c00000000060a498  7c0007b4      extsw   r0,r0
c00000000060a49c  7c2004ac      lwsync
c00000000060a4a0  7d60e828      lwarx   r11,0,r29
c00000000060a4a4  7c0b4800      cmpw    r11,r9
c00000000060a4a8  40c20010      bne-    c00000000060a4b8        # .__mutex_lock_slowpath+0x9c/0x1f4
c00000000060a4ac  7c00e92d      stwcx.  r0,0,r29
c00000000060a4b0  40c2fff0      bne-    c00000000060a4a0        # .__mutex_lock_slowpath+0x84/0x1f4
c00000000060a4b4  4c00012c      isync
c00000000060a4b8  2f8b0001      cmpwi   cr7,r11,1
  ^^^^^ PC points to this instruction ^^^^^^^^
c00000000060a4bc  2f3f0000      cmpdi   cr6,r31,0
c00000000060a4c0  409e0010      bne     cr7,c00000000060a4d0    # .__mutex_lock_slowpath+0xb4/0x1f4
c00000000060a4c4  78200464      rldicr  r0,r1,0,49
c00000000060a4c8  f81d0030      std     r0,48(r29)
c00000000060a4cc  48000118      b       c00000000060a5e4        # .__mutex_lock_slowpath+0x1c8/0x1f4
c00000000060a4d0  409a001c      bne     cr6,c00000000060a4ec    # .__mutex_lock_slowpath+0xd0/0x1f4
c00000000060a4d4  e81b0000      ld      r0,0(r27)
c00000000060a4d8  7809f7e3      rldicl. r9,r0,62,63
0:mon> r
R00 = 0000000000000000   R16 = 0000000002bc4b68
R01 = c000000000b13b60   R17 = 0000000000000000
R02 = c000000000b0bca0   R18 = c0000000008c4b68
R03 = c000000000d07fd0   R19 = 0000000001b1fc90
R04 = 0000000000000000   R20 = 00000000000000b8
R05 = 000000000000005e   R21 = c0000000007ec008
R06 = 0000000000040000   R22 = 00000000007c28bb
R07 = c000000000a95288   R23 = c0000000007cbdd5
R08 = 0000000000000000   R24 = 0000000000000001
R09 = 0000000000000001   R25 = 0000000000000000
R10 = 0000000000000000   R26 = c000000000d08000
R11 = 00000000ffffffff   R27 = c000000000b10080
R12 = 0000000024000082   R28 = c000000000a3ab70
R13 = c000000000be2400   R29 = c000000000d07fd0
R14 = c0000000008c4c30   R30 = c000000000a75be8
R15 = c000000000a95288   R31 = 0000000000000000
pc  = c00000000060a4b8 .__mutex_lock_slowpath+0x9c/0x1f4
lr  = c00000000060abc8 .mutex_lock+0x50/0x70
msr = 8000000000081032   cr  = 84000022
ctr = 0000000000136f8c   xer = 0000000000000001   trap =  100

Let me know if i can provide more information.



Sachin Sant
IBM Linux Technology Center
India Systems and Technology Labs
Bangalore, India

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