
deepesh at india.tejasnetworks.com deepesh at india.tejasnetworks.com
Fri Jun 5 17:03:17 EST 2009


  I am having an EP8260 Board. The board comes with a PlanetCore BootLoader
and a diagnostics. I want to boot kernel using this bootloader. TimeSys
people claim to have released a kernel binary for EP8260. I am not able to
boot this kernel. What is clear is that the board info structure is passed
correctly from the planetcore boot loader to the kernel arch/ppc/boot/.
This is because I found that the decompress_kernel function is working. I
dumped the first few bytes of memory, starting at 0(zero). They are exactly
same as the "dissembled vmlinux".

   But there is a problem in entering from the arch/ppc/boot code to
arch/ppc/kernel code. The board goes for a reset.

Kindly help.

Please  give me a reference to a kernel which would come up with this

Thank you,

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