relocatable kernel vs. yaboot

Johannes Berg johannes at
Thu Oct 30 10:26:51 EST 2008


Sorry if this has been discussed before, but I just found that yaboot
rejects relocatable kernels claiming they are an invalid ELF file.

In the patch adding relocatable kernel support, I found

+# The iseries hypervisor won't take an ET_DYN executable, so this
+# changes the type (byte 17) in the file to ET_EXEC (2).
 $(obj)/zImage.iseries: vmlinux
        $(STRIP) -s -R .comment $< -o $@
+       printf "\x02" | dd of=$@ conv=notrunc bs=1 seek=17

Modifying the vmlinux in the same way as above makes yaboot take it, and
I can easily make this part of my installation procedure, but I wonder
if it should be done automatically? Or maybe only documented in the
Kconfig help text? I probably wouldn't have enabled it and then wondered
why it doesn't work if it had warned me about breaking yaboot ;)

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