mucking with cputable ...

Kevin Diggs kevdig at
Thu May 1 09:52:07 EST 2008


	I'm trying to monkey with cputable. It is hanging after printing:

Preparing BATs

on the console (PowerMac 8600 with PowerLogix 750GX card, 2.6.24 YDL 4.0).

	I am guessing I am doing this PTRRELOC() thing wrong? Can someone 
explain what is going on here:

	*PTRRELOC(&cur_cpu_spec) = &the_cpu_spec;

Up above both s and t needed reloccing? This is from identify_cpu(). 
Does this have something to do with data items in different sections 
(i.e. initdata)?

	I also welcome comments on where else the data I'm trying to graft into 
cputable might go (i.e. cpu_freq driver).


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