Xenomai on TQ MPC5200
Wolfgang Grandegger
wg at grandegger.com
Fri Mar 21 00:34:28 EST 2008
Thomas Häberle wrote:
> Hello!
> My target hardware is a MPC5200 on a TQ STK52xx.
> I am developing in a Linked Setup with ELDK 3.1.1 under a Debian Linux
> (Release 2.6.18-4-686 ; gcc 4.1.2).
> The whole ELDK was already used in a former project with identical
> hardware and some early tests I ran showed that it works fine (as far as
> I can see).
> My goal is to get a real time Linux OS running on the target (preferably
> Xenomai) and establish a RT ethernet connection with a identical
> hardware setup (planning to use RTnet). But I am somehow stuck in the
> first place for I can't get the kernel built:
> I tried quite a number of Kernel-Xenomai-Adeos-Version-combinations in
> the past four days without any actual success.
> Yesterday I downloaded the Linuxppc_2_4_develop-sources from the GIT
> repository of the DENX site and set them to the exact point where the
> Adeos-Patch coming along with Xenomai 2.4.2 is build for (commit # ).
> The patch worked fine (ran trough), I configured the kernel and built
> the dependencies, but I am still unable to crosscompile the kernel and
> am also slowly running out of ideas.
> I am relatively new to this part of the software world, so forgive me
> for my maybe basic questions:
> I found no explicit information on the web, whether Xenomai can be run
> on my specific target at all:
> Has anyone tried or knows something about that?
> Or where could I check whether it is (besides asking TQ of course)?
> Maybe the better way would be trying with RTAI?
> Are there any known oddities of the STK52xx and/or MPC5200?
> Do I have to adapt my ELDK in any further way to get things going and
> using the DENX-sources (okay I guess this is hard to say without
> detailed information about my ELDK setup...)?
> Any other helpful experience, hints or tricks?
I have a STK52xx on my desk running Xenomai and RTnet under DENX Linux
2.4.25. I have attached my installation README. But your request is
off-topic here. Please switch to an appropriate list for further
questions, e.g. Xenomai-help of RTnet.
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