MPC8572 - IPR Register

Kumar Gala galak at
Wed Dec 17 08:34:31 EST 2008

On Dec 16, 2008, at 1:54 PM, Morrison, Tom wrote:

> We are having a problem with an external interrupt not actually being
> received / detected on the MPC8572.
> This external device 'believes' that it has sent an interrupt
> (over PCIe) to the MPC8572 and we believe that the associated
> ExVPR register has correctly unmasked/configured this correctly.
> But, still NO interrupt...
> If you read the documentation about this configuration register, it
> indicates that there is some type of "IPR" register internal to the
> 8572 that indicates if an interrupt has been received by the PIC...
> We want to read that IPR register to verify that:
>   a) the external device has sent the interrupt
> 	and we have configured something wrong in the chip
>   b) there is no pending interrupt (thus none received) from
> 	this external device...
> Is there any way (hook (indirection) or crook (aka: secret register))
> that would allow us to read this register? From all my investigations
> it looks like there isn't a 'straight forward' / documented way to
> do so...I am hoping you guys have gone beyond the 'straight forward'
> means and have found a way...
> Thanks in Advance...

1. Which PCIe port is the device on?
2. is this a INT-X style or MSI interrupt?
3. if INT-X is INT-A, B, C, D?

- k

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