inline assembly & r0 SOS

Andreas Schwab schwab at
Wed Aug 6 18:49:55 EST 2008

Kevin Diggs <kevdig at> writes:

> Jeremy Kerr wrote:
>> Hi Kevin,
>>>         /*
>>>          * Turn r3 (range) into a rotate count for the selected
>>>range. * 0 -> 23, 1 -> 31
>>>          */
>>>         __asm__ __volatile__ (  "slwi %0,%0,3\n"
>>>                                 "addi %0,%0,23\n"
>>>                                 "rlwnm %0,%1,%0,30,31\n":
>>>                 "=r"(ret):
>>>                 "r"(config),"0"(range)
>>>         );
>> Wouldn't this be much simpler in plain C?
> I just knew someone was gonna try to rain on my rlwnm'in fun parade!
> Wonder if the C code can be made to compile down to 3 instructions?

This will do:

unsigned int get_PLL_range(unsigned int range, unsigned int config)
  range = range * 8 + 23;
  return ((config << range) | (config >> (32 - range))) & 3;

The special pattern ((a << n) | (a >> (32 - n))) is recognized by gcc as
a rotate operation.


Andreas Schwab, SuSE Labs, schwab at
SuSE Linux Products GmbH, Maxfeldstraße 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany
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