Configuration-Problem ext-interrupt on mpc52xx

S. Fricke silvio.fricke at
Wed Sep 19 21:59:53 EST 2007


how can i configure an "ext interrupt" to high-level? I want a interruption on
IRQ2, but I checked with an oscilloscope that the pin has a low state and I
needs a high state.

I have tried, after I got the irq (with irq_of_parse_and_map), set it with

    set_irq_type(irq, IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH);

But I think it is a system-configuration (irq_desc) and no

Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Silvio Fricke

-- S. Fricke ----------------------------- MAILTO:silvio.fricke at --
   Diplom-Informatiker (FH)

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