[RFC] [PATCH] PowerPC: add more than 4MB kernel image size support to bootwarapper

Scott Wood scottwood at freescale.com
Sat Oct 6 03:30:54 EST 2007

On Thu, Oct 04, 2007 at 06:58:49PM -0700, Mark A. Greer wrote:
> Having the link address jump around depending on the size of the kernel
> or zImage is wrong IMHO.  It just screams "weird can't boot issues."
> We need a way to specify exactly where we want the zImage linked no
> matter what the kernel or zImage size.

Why?  The zImage is relocatable.  It doesn't matter where it's linked.

> Also, being able to control the link address (that is, the download
> address with some firmwares) is not a u-boot specific issue and we
> shouldn't make a u-boot specific solution.

How is this a u-boot specific solution?

> The more general problem is that some firmwares examine the ELF header
> and download the zImage to address it was linked at.  Some firmwares let
> you override this but some don't and those are the problem ones.

That's not the more general problem; it's the same problem with a different
file format.

> I still like my idea best.  I haven't coded yet it so I don't have a patch
> but this is what I mean:
> 1) add a config option (default 4MB) for the link address
> 2) add a parameter to the wrapper script thru which we pass the value in
>    the config option
> 3) the wrapper script changes the VMA/LMA to the address specified
>    (objcopy --change-addresses=<some math to get correct incr> ?).

I'd much rather it be automatic than require the user to guess an
appropriate value (and be aware in the first place that it needs to be set).


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