[PATCH] Add -msoft-float to BOOTCFLAGS

Segher Boessenkool segher at kernel.crashing.org
Tue May 15 14:46:11 EST 2007

>  HOSTCC		:= gcc
>  BOOTCFLAGS	:= $(HOSTCFLAGS) -fno-builtin -nostdinc -isystem \
> -		   $(shell $(CROSS32CC) -print-file-name=include) -fPIC
> +		   $(shell $(CROSS32CC) -print-file-name=include) -fPIC -msoft-float
>  BOOTAFLAGS	:= -D__ASSEMBLY__ $(BOOTCFLAGS) -traditional -nostdinc

While you're at it, could you get rid of the HOSTCFLAGS
inclusion here?  The host compiler has absolutely nothing
to do with the 32-bit powerpc compiler.

There are some more flags you might want to add btw
(-nostdlib, -mno-multiple, stuff like that -- just examples,
don't blindly add these).


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