[PATCH] Remove bogus errors from check_chosen.

Scott Wood scottwood at freescale.com
Sat Mar 24 02:36:09 EST 2007

On Fri, Mar 23, 2007 at 11:21:27AM -0400, Jerry Van Baren wrote:
> The -q[q[q]] I added cuts down/eliminates the moaning, but you still 
> have to -f force the output which doesn't match what Scott is advocating 
> if I understand him.
> The gcc -Wall is backwards to what we should have, perhaps adding --no* 
> options like:
>   --nochosen
>   --nocpu
>   --noarmyboots
> to tell dtc that lonely barefoot blobs are OK.

There should also be a --no-validate option to turn everything off, if
the user is confident that the tree is right and doesn't want to get
broken by new dtcs that have new error categories (or if the user is
using dtc to compile some other type of tree than an OF-ish device tree).

In other words, there should be a clear separation between the structural
layer and the semantic layer, even if the same binary can do both.


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