Resend: [PATCH] oprofile support for Power 5++

Mike Wolf mjw at
Wed Jul 11 04:13:47 EST 2007

The patch has not been included and there have been no comments so
I'm resending.

This patch adds a new oprofile cpu type for Power 5 revision 3 chips.
The new name is ppc64/power5++ and is used so that the performance
counters can be set up correctly.

Signed-off-by: Mike Wolf <mjw at>

linux-2.6.18.ppc64.orig/arch/powerpc/kernel/cputable.c	2006-09-19 22:42:06.000000000 -0500
+++ linux-2.6.18.ppc64/arch/powerpc/kernel/cputable.c	2007-06-11 12:29:47.000000000 -0500
@@ -236,6 +236,21 @@
 		.oprofile_mmcra_sipr	= MMCRA_SIPR,
 		.platform		= "power5",
+	{	/* Power5++ */
+		.pvr_mask		= 0xffffff00,
+		.pvr_value		= 0x003b0300,
+		.cpu_name		= "POWER5+ (gs)",
+		.cpu_features		= CPU_FTRS_POWER5,
+		.cpu_user_features	= COMMON_USER_POWER5_PLUS,
+		.icache_bsize		= 128,
+		.dcache_bsize		= 128,
+		.num_pmcs		= 6,
+		.oprofile_cpu_type	= "ppc64/power5++",
+		.oprofile_type		= PPC_OPROFILE_POWER4,
+		.oprofile_mmcra_sihv	= MMCRA_SIHV,
+		.oprofile_mmcra_sipr	= MMCRA_SIPR,
+		.platform		= "power5+",
+	},
 	{	/* Power5 GS */
 		.pvr_mask		= 0xffff0000,
 		.pvr_value		= 0x003b0000,

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