[PATCH 1/3] Create a dummy zImage if no valid platform has been selected.

Tony Breeds tony at bakeyournoodle.com
Wed Jul 4 14:04:31 EST 2007

Signed-off-by: Tony Breeds <tony at bakeyournoodle.com>
 arch/powerpc/boot/Makefile |   10 ++++++++++
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+)

Index: working/arch/powerpc/boot/Makefile
--- working.orig/arch/powerpc/boot/Makefile
+++ working/arch/powerpc/boot/Makefile
@@ -184,6 +184,11 @@ $(obj)/zImage.initrd.%: vmlinux $(wrappe
 $(obj)/zImage.%: vmlinux $(wrapperbits)
 	$(call if_changed,wrap,$*)
+# This cannot be in the root of $(src) as the zImage rule always adds a $(obj)
+# prefix
+$(obj)/vmlinux.strip: vmlinux
+	$(STRIP) -s -R .comment $< -o $@
 $(obj)/zImage.iseries: vmlinux

 	$(STRIP) -s -R .comment $< -o $@
@@ -215,6 +220,11 @@ $(obj)/treeImage.initrd.%: vmlinux $(dts
 $(obj)/treeImage.%: vmlinux $(dts) $(wrapperbits)
 	$(call if_changed,wrap,treeboot-$*,$(dts))
+# If there isn't a platform selected then just strip the vmlinux.
+ifeq (,$(image-y))
+image-y := vmlinux.strip
 $(obj)/zImage:		$(addprefix $(obj)/, $(image-y))
 	@rm -f $@; ln $< $@
 $(obj)/zImage.initrd:	$(addprefix $(obj)/, $(initrd-y))

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