[PATCH 1/8] boot: more verbose gunzip error message

Milton Miller miltonm at bga.com
Wed Apr 11 18:32:36 EST 2007

Change the error message in gunzip_exactly to be more verbose.

Besides the identifier being unrelated to the current function name,
the user had no indication if the corruption was near the beginning
or the end.

Signed-off-by: Milton Miller <miltonm at bga.com>

Index: kernel/arch/powerpc/boot/gunzip_util.c
--- kernel.orig/arch/powerpc/boot/gunzip_util.c	2007-04-10 21:29:49.000000000 -0500
+++ kernel/arch/powerpc/boot/gunzip_util.c	2007-04-10 21:30:15.000000000 -0500
@@ -142,7 +142,8 @@ void gunzip_exactly(struct gunzip_state 
 	len  = gunzip_partial(state, dst, dstlen);
 	if (len < dstlen)
-		fatal("gunzip_block: ran out of data\n\r");
+		fatal("\n\rgunzip_exactly: ran out of data!"
+				" Wanted %d, got %d.\n\r", dstlen, len);

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