SMP in 32-bit arch/powerpc

Michael Ellerman michael at
Wed Aug 2 19:08:20 EST 2006

On Wed, 2006-08-02 at 09:25 +0100, Adrian Cox wrote:
> Is anybody else having problems with 32-bit SMP support in arch/powerpc?
> I'm using 2.6.17 as my current base, because I've not yet merged the
> latest mpic changes.
> I'm currently bringing up a dual-7448 board, and when I build the kernel
> with CONFIG_SMP, the bootmem allocator corrupts the device tree. The
> strange thing is, this still happens when I don't start the second CPU.
> Kernels built without CONFIG_SMP run flawlessly on the same hardware.

Seems to be working OK here:

fuego:~# uname -a
Linux fuego 2.6.17 #1 SMP Mon Jul 3 12:10:43 EST 2006 ppc GNU/Linux
fuego:~# cat /proc/cpuinfo
processor       : 0
cpu             : 604r
clock           : 332.000000MHz
revision        : 49.2 (pvr 0009 3102)
bogomips        : 82.68

processor       : 1
cpu             : 604r
clock           : 332.000000MHz
revision        : 49.2 (pvr 0009 3102)
bogomips        : 82.68

processor       : 2
cpu             : 604r
clock           : 332.000000MHz
revision        : 49.2 (pvr 0009 3102)
bogomips        : 82.68

processor       : 3
cpu             : 604r
clock           : 332.000000MHz
revision        : 49.2 (pvr 0009 3102)
bogomips        : 82.68

total bogomips  : 330.75
timebase        : 41500582
platform        : CHRP
machine         : CHRP IBM,7025-F50


Michael Ellerman
IBM OzLabs

phone: +61 2 6212 1183 (tie line 70 21183)

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