Fedora 5 on POWER5

David Woodhouse dwmw2 at infradead.org
Sat Apr 22 22:57:41 EST 2006

On Fri, 2006-04-21 at 08:21 +0200, Josef Mádl wrote:
> I am trying to install fedora 5 on IBM i5 system. Instalation start,
> all seems to good to partitioning disk.
> Fedora see two disks /dev/sda (real disk - virtual disk prepared with
> CRTNWSSTG) and /dev/sdb (booting disk of instalation - Prep).
> I choise /dev/sda for creating linux partitions, fedora show me how it
> will be parted but try to write to /dev/sdb - it ends with error.
> Do anybody know how solved this problem ?

I'm fairly sure I saw Paul helping someone work around this on Freenode
#fedora-ppc a couple of weeks ago.


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