2.6.14 USB vs. sleep issues

Eddy Petrişor eddy.petrisor at gmail.com
Thu Nov 3 20:03:19 EST 2005

On 11/3/05, Benjamin Herrenschmidt <benh at kernel.crashing.org> wrote:
> For those who experience crashes on sleep and/or wakeup (typically due
> to USB) with 2.6.14, I made a test patch that might help. Please let me
> know if it makes things more reliable.
> http://gate.crashing.org/~benh/fix-ohci-sleep.diff

So this supposed to work with the USB sleep support enabled, right?
If this works then I will be very thankful!
I hope I have the time to test this patch this evening.

> Note that the patch is totally untested here so it may be just plain
> bogus :)

No problem.

AIUI, this should allow me to put my PB 5,2 to sleep while a usb stick
is mounted and come back from sleep with no problem and the stick to
be still mounted, right?

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein

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