Powermac real-mode? setting?

Andrei Warkentin andrey.warkentin at gmail.com
Fri Dec 16 19:53:24 EST 2005


As far as I understand, linux expects to be started in virt-mode,  
with MMU on. Does anyone know if  setting real-mode? to true will  
work correctly? I'm trying to get something in the way of a home-brew  
kernel going on an G4 OF 3.0-based machine, and was wondering if it  
was possible to start out with the MMU off.

Thank you very much and have a nice day.

Andrei Warkentin
andrey.warkentin at gmail.com
Cell: (+1) (847) 321-15-55
Office: (+1) (312) 756-15-00 x614

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