PMU questions

Colin Leroy colin at
Tue Oct 19 16:34:32 EST 2004

On 19 Oct 2004 at 09h10, Benjamin Herrenschmidt wrote:

Hi Ben, 

thanks for your answer!

> Happens all the time on Apple laptops lately. My tipb battery is now
> half of it's capacity. Browse the archives on the web, you'll see that
> it's a common disease with those.

Ah, nice ("nice") to know... It looks like the more these batteries are
"smart", the faster they get fucked up...

> You can try the following: disable pmud & pbbuttonsd, and let the
> machine on & drain the battery until it shuts down by itself (empty
> battery). Do_not_ let it go to sleep or whatever pmud does when it
> thinks your battery is closed to exhausted. Drain the battery
> completely.

You mean until the laptop shuts down by itself ?

> Then, do a full charge, and drain it again completely. 
> Do that a few times. 

Without resetting the PMU ?

> If that doesn't help, then I'm afraid you have to
> ask apple for a replacement battery.

Yes, I think I'll do this. For the record, I found compatible batteries
a little less pricey than Apple's ones here:  


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