[PATCH] Driver for thermostat chip on ibook2

Cedric Pradalier cedric.pradalier at inrialpes.fr
Sat Jun 5 19:58:10 EST 2004

Hi all,

	I've applied this patch successfully on my kernels since 2.6.4
and it have been tested on different kind of ibooks, either as a module
or statically linked.

On ibook2, the fan is controlled by a special ship (adm1030) able to
deal with the PID, the PWM generation and so on. It is only necessary to
tell it at which temperature the fan should be started at lowest speed
(33%) and at which temp it must run full speed. The chip can manage 2
thermal sensors : the first is near harddisk, and the second on the cpu

After reboot, on my ibook, the fan starting temperatures are set to 56
for harddisk and 68 for cpu, that is respectively, 5 and 24 celcius
above normal temps. These values seems insane to me.

So I wrote (helped by Colin Leroy) a module to offer RW access
to these temperatures through /sys/devices/temperature.

I set them to 54 and 50 celcius. This way I fill safe about my machine,
and when I happen to reboot to osx, it does not become crazy with the
fan at full speed...

The patch with a windowmaker dockable monitoring app are available
at http://cedric.pradalier.free.fr/ibook2/index.html


"[Of course] I'm French! Why do think I have this outrageous
accent, you silly king-a?!"  Monty Python and the Holy Grail
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