linuxppc trees / BK help

Andreas Schwab schwab at
Wed Jan 28 03:23:46 EST 2004

Christian Kujau <evil at> writes:

> after passing the consistency check, a sourcetree shows up  but
> filenames are different from normal:
> evil at sheep:/data/MP3/scratch/kernel$ ls linuxppc-2.5-benh-BK/
> BitKeeper  Documentation  SCCS  arch  crypto  drivers  fs  include  init
> ~ ipc  kernel  lib  mm  net  scripts  security  sound  usr
> evil at sheep:/data/MP3/scratch/kernel$
> - --> there are no files in the directory, only dirs.

$ bk -r get


Andreas Schwab, SuSE Labs, schwab at
SuSE Linux AG, Maxfeldstraße 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany
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