A few questions.

Stefan Berndtsson stefan at nocrew.org
Sun Feb 1 02:44:18 EST 2004

Benjamin Herrenschmidt <benh at kernel.crashing.org> writes:

> On Sat, 2004-01-31 at 21:06, Stefan Berndtsson wrote:
>> First question:
>> What is the status of m3mirror:ing with an ibook2 (600MHz from 2001)
>> using a 2.6 kernel? There was some patch sent out a long time ago, but
>> I couldn't get it to apply in any sensible way.
> That doesn't quite work yet. Someday, somebody (me ?) has to
> spend the time & dedication to setup the second output properly
> once for all =P

Ok, in the meantime, I took a patch for 2.4 and brutally stuffed it into
a 2.6.2-rc1-ben1. With some minor tweaking it now seems it actually works.

I assume the patch is much too specific and unfit to go in a proper kernel
release, but it's included below anyway.


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